Anonymous ID: 2667cf July 18, 2018, 1:48 p.m. No.2202467   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i'm gonna post this stuff again since it has been months since originally discussed on the board and Browder's name is now (once again) in the news.



In 1999, Yeltsin was president of Russia. the CIA/deep state puppets wanted to install (((their guy))) Boris Abramovich Berezovsky.

Yeltsin was "convinced" to take $7 billion of IMF money to go along with the plan, to step down and appoint Berezovsky.

HOWEVER, Yeltsin, turned on them and appointed Putin, who no one had heard of.

The players were:

Bill Browder (founder of Hermitage Capital)

Edmond Safra (Republic National Bank) (later found dead in Monaco 1999)

Boris Beresovsky (who fled Russia to Uk and was found dead there in 2013)

Sergei Magnitsky (lawyer/accountant representing Safra–against the Bank of NY) who mysteriously dies suddenly in Russian prison awaiting trial.

and allegedly a media Tycoon, Vladimir Gusinsky.

******* (SOOOO ironic that (((they))) are clamoring about Russian interference!!!)

Martin Armstrong writes these articles describing the coup attempt. He was jailed in the US x 1 yr (around the same time Dec 1999) for contempt of court because he refused to provide the US Fed Govt with the computer code for his AI computer used to forecast the market. Martin's case went to SCOTUS, who ruled in HIS favor and he was finally released.

Here are the links to the info:


These posts explain in more detail, the Trump tower meeting, Magnitsky Act, and similar character actors of the current coup attempt.



