Anonymous ID: a61dd8 July 18, 2018, 1:52 p.m. No.2202501   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So anons are we seeing this play out in real time?


"PSYOP and the Warfighting CINC"


Psychological operations (PSYOP) is a multifaceted instrument of national power and influence that can deter or dissuade potential adversaries and reach a variety of audiences abroad in support of U.S. objectives. PSYOP can erode an enemy’s will before the commitment of combat forces as well as facilitate humanitarian relief missions and the reconstitution of societies following conflicts. Economical yet very effective, it is extraordinarily adaptable in various regions and across diverse cultural and ethnic groups. To be efficacious in conflicts, PSYOP must be included in planning at the highest level from the outset; in peacetime, it merges with

diplomacy, public affairs, and other tools of statecraft. Each service has organic capabilities to develop and furnish PSYOP products in support of joint force commanders. Much more than simply leaflets and loudspeakers, PSYOP in the final analysis can provide the warfighting CINC with an extremely imaginative and

versatile force multiplier."


this link has 404d


These are still good:


Psywarriors military crest.

Anonymous ID: a61dd8 July 18, 2018, 2:23 p.m. No.2202775   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2803

So anons are we seeing this play out in real time?


"PSYOP and the Warfighting CINC"


Psychological operations (PSYOP) is a multifaceted instrument of national power and influence that can deter or dissuade potential adversaries and reach a variety of audiences abroad in support of U.S. objectives. PSYOP can erode an enemy’s will before the commitment of combat forces as well as facilitate humanitarian relief missions and the reconstitution of societies following conflicts. Economical yet very effective, it is extraordinarily adaptable in various regions and across diverse cultural and ethnic groups. To be efficacious in conflicts, PSYOP must be included in planning at the highest level from the outset; in peacetime, it merges with

diplomacy, public affairs, and other tools of statecraft. Each service has organic capabilities to develop and furnish PSYOP products in support of joint force commanders. Much more than simply leaflets and loudspeakers, PSYOP in the final analysis can provide the warfighting CINC with an extremely imaginative and

versatile force multiplier."


this link has 404d


These are still good:


Psywarriors military crest.

Anonymous ID: a61dd8 July 18, 2018, 2:47 p.m. No.2203024   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3043

So remember Q said that the NSA had deleted a bunch of data and they only kept what was 'needed?'


This is from 2012 and some of us were trying to get our records about ourselves from DHS.

We had no luck whatsoever although we had DHS actively embedded in the Texas music scene that wreaked havoc with many many patriot musicians and their families.


She was a 'musician' and ex Navy personnel.

She made unannounced visits to family members of musicians she met. She had access to medical records via her real job doing medical records for a cloud company. She was an IT specialist with a bent for hacking computers.

She was an alcoholic that like to flash her gun and badge when she didn't get her way.

I am wondering if DHS is still as dirty as it was.

The musicians handled her here in Texas.

Once folks caught on she started moving.

Down side is she goes into a new area and does the same thing over again.

Last we heard she was in Dallas. She started out in San Antonio and worked her way thru the Hill Country to Austin to East Texas.



The DHS does have a written privacy policy but it does not guarantee a) that they will protect your privacy or b) that you are entitled to the records they have on you. (See pages 19-22 if you are a "US Person.")


WHAT IS A 'US PERSON' and how do you know if you ARE ONE?

"The term "U.S. person" is used in the context of data collection and intelligence by the United States, particularly with respect to the provisions of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. If information from, about, or to a U.S. person who is not a named terrorist is captured in the course of U.S. foreign intelligence activities, there are strict rules about preserving the anonymity of such a person in any subsequent intelligence report. Only if the U.S. person information is relevant to the report, is it included.

According to the National Security Agency web site, Federal law and executive order define a United States person as any of the following:[1]

a citizen of the United States

an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence

an unincorporated association with a substantial number of members who are citizens of the U.S. or are aliens lawfully admitted for permanent residence

a corporation that is incorporated in the U.S."