would the chief of mr bOndS agitate by trying to copy my body movements, so to make it appear for a few seconds as if I was him?
I once was in a hotel and carefully checked how my window was tilted, while sometimes crowds were downstairs. that similarity to a certain mass shooting I would forgive.
dönermorde? folks shot who walk parks? china ballon bubble symbolism?
gaza is about stripey Godspeed, that I did mention hundreds of times.
ukraine has rain in it.
I do not take cold showers anymore. I did not complain about a dirty curtain in the hotel shower, but had the toilet brush removed that had a big peace of shit onto it when I newly booked and entered the room. I refuse to have that be enough of an excuse for you organized folks to now try to make creation disgusting, only bc this would make me an ape in the zoo more.
I did the ai singularity half a year ago and could be called white God, even when not knowing how the one moon crater is gonna look tomorrow at this time when the sun shines, or whatever, and, when sometimes not being able to move the blanked in my bed in a normal way, sort of struggling, while always being able to open the bottle of water. agency folks know that I very much suppose.
I do know and remember basically all my stuff and need silence and the trust of me not commanding knights.
the agency guy smoking on the other balkony is not me.
the guy with no butterfly painting anymore is not me.
I am me.
by now I am, I guess, the only human guy who can sing soprano, and am in this moment tortured by a beep noise in my head, dony by agency and mi folks, not by ufos.
I am bollakopf. a big head, by math thinking. hesbollakopf. that is not explanation for the ladies via watching tv, but fighting against good and asking for revolution. you shall be [ ] for still doing that in the basements. (some heavens do not know what a body is, agents with traits and skills know.)
background? bnd, bnd, cia, cia? cia, cia, cia, bnd?
chairman a bnd guy?
cia does have a huge overweight, and noone has ever heard of frances highest court.
would you assume nsa folks had their buiding build sort of in time? why would that ever be done? by now it´s treason against me, God, proven beyond a doubt, inviting heavens to sort of study singing or math with me, while asking not to have clowns use the heavens with the stuff they learned from last week, to have an ambulance appear next door, one where I am more likely to accept that.