and the guy they used for the article is a federal reserve shill
which is why it will destroy the fed
context also matters
ok fungus, now post that mystery document ran on sites like godlikeproductions that never existed
some people just don't know when to drop the psyop shit
false bravado
claims to fight evil until evil puts on a friendly face
deceived, that one is
holding the gates open for the barbarians
>Ehrenfeld is the first openly gay president of the American Medical Association
surely it's just all cohencidence though
people who smile while showing all of their teeth always freaked me the fuck out
top fucking kek
jews and china go together like peanut butter and jelly because neither of them believe in the teachings of jesus christ
someone had to hold the gates open for them to enter
>'It is because I need to create a safe place for me, my staff, and my family.'
well now you can go enjoy your safe place in a homeless shelter