Fucking boomers
Bondi is also a headfake
Who should send them running that is who I want
A person with a real axe to grind free time and no aipac False leaks have been made to ensure the containment and capture of select bad niggers.. I mean individuals
I like to think we know best, but the information blender mixed with the fog of war forces blind trust, interesting, they knew we would trust,It is why they came to us, we know nothing but distrust so enemy of my enemy game theory
advanced I imagine that they are pretty fucking freaked out,however If you have paved the path for them you should not need us, this means only one thing, they are still only pushing at 70% to give them hope so there will be a last stand fought by us on a public stage
Its game theory
The autists need to prepare
The war has not started yet
That feeling you feel like it ain't over?
It is the digital beaches of Normandy and they are about to drop the door
Is this you or yours?
Thats one of Lawsons 50 million cars, I do wish it was mine
Fuckers got a bunch