is this kid tarded i bet he isnt even real…
10 years? fuck that feed him to a pack oh hyenias and let them devour him and piis over his empty skull
fuck this clown he dresses up in suits for the jews but wears a cintas shirt to work in congress like its a fucking jiffy lube! he faked a stroke he's a walking colon because he is so full of shit he a albino negroid or a mongoloid…
fairy tales are very powerful the really really long ones people tend to fall for the most because they forget what they are reading is a fairy tale
cucking man takes the jew money he licks boots hard for the dollars
no bliss just common sense ,logic,and reason
all religious texts are works of fiction because you cannot ask said god to confirm the writings so therefore it is fictional writing
there is no vacuum in space and there are no holes in black velvet the universe is complete, holes would make it incomplete
time is real and that is a fact it is measurable it is no illusion thats a mind trap steiner brain cobbler talk