Post (you)r tits or get the fuck out, Evelyn. And, since you are namefagging also, share the tits post to facebook and post a link as proof. Thank you in advance for participating in, and showing (you)r proper respect for, this long standing Q Research tradition. Will salute (you) once (you) have complied.
Not used to seeing an E-6B up at this time of the morning. Departed Offutt AFB at 3:30 am local time. It's quite unusual to see this.
>explain away
The spy balloons pretty much confirmed for me what I was already thinking about the chemtrails/contrails. Regardless of the causes, or the effects. For Chinese spy satellites, they are a problem. So they started using balloons.
What part of the word regardless of the causes do you fail to comprehend?>>22036900
your reading comprehension sucks
even after I pointed out what I was saying had nothing to do with proving they are a thing
you persist
that's retarded
>All you did
Well, yeah. If you insist on being a tard and don't read the full exchange. Just focus on the last post and forget the conversation. How convenient. And retarded. filtered for being useless.