>Biden-Harris Dumps Millions Into Drug-Fueled Gay Sex App
USASpending.gov database.
It's real to the tune of $3.4 million dollars.
Connecticut and TX listed as 'place of performance' - no pun intended.
Partial Montrose Center (TX) grant description:
"Enhanced integrated treatment program with sexual health in recovery (e-itp shir) - the Montrose center will serve at least 30/year gay and bi men and transwomen african american and latino 18 years old and older in Harris County, Texas who engage in chemsex putting them at very high risk for contracting and transmitting hiv and hepatitis."
Univ. of Connecticut grant: https://www.usaspending.gov/award/ASST_NON_R01DA061661_7529
Montrose Center grant: https://www.usaspending.gov/award/ASST_NON_H79TI082483_7522