The Dems. are the KKK.
She didn't even know what she was talking about.
But that is typical of the Left.
The Dems. are the KKK.
She didn't even know what she was talking about.
But that is typical of the Left.
They elevate themselves on a dais.
It should be the other way around. It should be like an arena, with the people elevated and the elected officials on a lower stage.
The people get plastic stackable chair, while the elected officials have high back expensive ergonomically correct chairs.
It all adds up to their overinflated egos of themselves.
Put the council people on plastic chairs on a stage and elevate the people sitting in comfy chairs.
The council is supposed to answer to the people.
If someone wants to speak to the council member, put them on the stage with the council member, on the same playing field, not with the council members looking down their noses at the citizens.
And I would guess that this arrogant little bitch was not honestly elected, but that she was actually cheated into office like most of them are.