Oh hey, we're back
The same way as always?
Confidence is, quite literally, everything. However, confidence is not that easy to achieve/maintain.
Confidence in God is much easier to hold on to. However, this presents an opportunity for bad actors to manipulate one's opinions regarding God.
Seek truth in your own personal relationship with God.
Humanity has reached the point where it's attention has turned directly to God, by losing confidence in it's self to solve it's own problems. This presents a crisis where the old world has no possible road to recovery, and yet it still holds on to much of the established power structures which have no direct rivals. How bad things will get before those philosophical zombies, which make up the physical substance of said established power structures, are motivated to volition once more will be a decision that each one must make for themselves.
Well, that attention turned directly towards God will perceive something other than God is simply an artifact of the reality that God vastly eclipses our own perceptual faculties. It is a very important nuance, and I thank you for bringing it up.