From day 1 of your life they are trying to kill you. At minimum they are making people retarded. Everything I have researched indicates it is completely intentional.
Tell me how I know the cat ate her face off?
Because they were taught to not question what was going on.
Images are working again.
its nice he got back to seeing his dad.
Many many new Anons missed even the last Q drop so 90% of the board is just keeping track of current events until something comes up, the board will come alive when there is a new piece of information we would like to research.
If you go back through the archives from 2017+ You can find lots of information dumps from historical context. Sadly, you have to read to catch up, or you can train an AI on the drops and digs but you will have to curate accurate information yourself until the AI can decipher good from bad information.
I really dislike when people, especially those that call themselves "influencers" choose sides and want others to as well, because of feels.
Both Sides of that conflict are savages. Let them iron it out themselves.
Still a namefag/famefag.
How did you know? LMAO!
Its just funny because you are so close to remembering who I was on Twitter.
See, that is the difference between you, being a namefag, and me sticking to anon. I dont have to care how I look to you.
So your intention is to be in "history" books?
I have already made enough of a name for myself, I am hardly interested in being a part of history in this aspect. I just want to have a Country my children can live in.
I can say with absolute certainty, you dont look as cool as you think you do.
Hey, no problem broanon. Im glad we fixed it! :)
How is that working out for you?
Quite literally, any historical account of your exploits have vanished.
All I can say is, get help man. You are clearly having an episode.
I dont have anything to do with your twitter issues, nor any other issues you may be having.