Ever seen the animals rise up?
Somebody fucked up HARD.
>Gobelki Tepe
Interesting site, but I really wonder about Turkey. From what I understand, the site was dated not by it's own elements, but rather by debris used to fill it. Seems it would be possible to forge results by filling a new site with old debris. Turkey also holds some very odd busts of ancient rulers, inscribed to suggest reigns much longer than a human life span. Not saying any of this is impossible, just very odd.
As for the site it's self, I find the carving showing a bird holding an orb on it's wing to be rather interesting.
Believe Einstein once said: It's not that I'm smarter than anyone else, but rather that I simply spend more time on problems than they do.
Certainly tracks for me, who has spent more time than probably anyone on one specific problem.
That's the least surprising thing I've ever seen posted here.