None of the surrounding Muslim countries want to take in Palestinian refugees. Explain?
No kidding tuberculosis is making a comeback. It's from all the unvetted immigrants that didn't even receive a health checkup while everyone else had to close down their businesses over vaccine mandates.
The hell are you saying? The guy was talking about discrimination but his own fellow Allahu Ekbers won't take them in as refugees either. How useless do you have to be for that to happen?
Israel is the Jewish state, so Israelis would go back to Israel.
Importing the world's trash. Congratulations.
They would just move to another place in Israel. Moran. If your city got razed you would go to another place in your Country.
>The better question is why won't Israel take 500k Haitians?
Only the West does dumb shit like that. Maybe you can explain how that happened also.
Yeah but why is the guy talking about discrimination I'm saying. Palestine is clearly fucked in the next year. So he is talking about judgment but his own fellow Allahu Ekbers also deny them. Therefore they are useless.
I'm shitting on Palestinians right now, didn't even shit on Jews this bread. Wtf.
Well I'd rather stick with the Jews than Muslims. 90% of the Bible is the Old Testament, which is the Tora. Still waiting on Jews to accept Christ, literally frees them from Sabbath so I dunno why they are so butthurt over it.
Yeah. Ironically all the Jews still do work on the Sabbath so why aren't they all stoning each other to death? They would all still save one of their children if stuck in a well on Sabbath, which was Jesus' main argument.
But can you explain how the Eruv protects them from Sabbath?
They just didn't know how to interpret the Bible, and people still don't. Says right in there you need Wisdom to understand it. Also why it's dangerous to teach Religion in school without a really good Bible scholar.
The Ten Commandments even Moses broke right after giving them, after he came down from the Mt Sinai, his People were worshipping a Golden Calf, so Moses and the Levites slaughter 3,000 people. Then later on they went to war and took conquered a bunch of land by killing babies, children, and women. So clearly there is a back and forth and those Laws are just a general guideline.
So basically the Pharisees are just phonies that don't even know how to interpret the Bible. But the Torah is still accurate and the God of Jesus is found there.
I mixed up Bible with Torah a few times but you get my point*
Talmud is a collection of texts written by Rabbis on how to live a Jewish life day to day. Torah is the Word of God, which is the first 5 books of the Old Testament.
Torah is only the first 5 books of the Old Testament of the Bible. So how did Jesus mention Isaiah if he was a Jew and the Torah does not include the Book of Isaiah?
I profoundly found God in Exodus personally. He is in the Torah. Moses told God to keep his mistakes out of His book in Exodus, so God wrote it somehow.
I just checked, Isaiah is not a prophet in the Tanakh, unless referred to by a different name.
Still don't see it. Got a link? No I'm just asking questions. Actually learned a lot today just by engaging in some shitposting.
Oh ok I see it now. Ty. So how long after the Torah did the Tanakh arrive?
Nvm I can search the rest of it. Thx for Tanakh info that was new. So Torah + Tanakh = Old Testament with a few name adjustments.
Calm down. Christ is real btw.
I gotta learn Hebrew and read the original. Almost certainly some important details are lost in translation. Unless translated my Geniuses I suppose, but still.
Moses was a Hebrew, but raised by Egyptians.
What exactly a Hebrew looks like is still up in the air. Current Ashkenazi Jews are linked to King Solomon apparently.
It's both a race and a language. Same way you got Japan and Japanese. In the Old Testament the Egyptians would say 'God of the Hebrews'. Not sure how it forked off since Noah was a Hebrew and we all descend from him.
Isaiah is written as Yeshayahu in the Tanakh.