Armed Commie Enforcers are fuckin GONE
Dirt Nap Motherfuckers
Armed Commie Enforcers are fuckin GONE
Dirt Nap Motherfuckers
Commie City State officials and LEOs languishing for decades in prison
Alphabet Traitors and Financiers reduced to shit scribbling imbeciles begging for death
Corporate Sicko Fuck Party Deets Blanket the hearts and minds if the citizenry, unforgettable and unforgivable horrors decimate the elite sex community, GONE.
Tear thee DeepState into fuckin pieces
Face it, the CIA is an evil and stupid agency of ineffective and unnecessary retards that couldn't make ONE effective meme, only good at killing innocent people.
History will BURY the Central Intelligence Agency
Close it, tear down Langley and takes the monies.
Stupid fuckin Clowns LOST EVERYTHING
Time waisting idiot shit box commies gotta go
An entire construct based on blackmail, deception and child Abuse, the post modern Lucis Trust infected Retarded piece of shit globalists got caught and eliminated
DeepScat Furries
The Globalist Commie Crap Snacker Cabal lost everything when they forgot about memetics and aesthetics, ugly and boring Motherfuckers have no more purchase to gain in the hearts and minds if the Citizenry, left with only something horrible and violent to maintain power they all got caught and were summarily dispatched like mange ridding barnyard VERMIN.
Crap Snacker Commie Cabal members and minions will not survive the winter.
Doing Intelligence work for pedophiles is what got you killed.
Underground Chimera ChildrenFuck Palaces?
Hell awaits.
Self Loathing Idiot Asshole Satanist Sadists hated humanity and it was so obvious theY were eradicated swiftly and with neck snapping finality.
Children, theY hurt children.
No more, Gone.
The trend is ruination, there's no putting the toothpaste back for the Globalist Power structure.
It's over
Stupid fuckin commie morons, can't govern, operate solely on fraud and deception, actively hurt innocent children and made life miserable, so they are fuckin GONE