shill moment
nuclear bingo is far out mind blowing man
Insisting on applying international law arrest notice given. Canuckers can use same legal method to remove under same legal application - violation of international law, deaths of millions are on their hands
Heard, notable word
Xcuse just read Maddcow msndsuperstarcowfart salary $30 Million a year, cut to $25MM
come on, you know that's fucking unbelievably hilarious anyone pays that much for a rothfart
still doesn't kuntsplain $30MM
either beholden to the kunt or kunt beholder - come to think, never seen the bloated fart in a black eye
bingo nukes – they'll all gonna start arresting each other for committing same crimes
should be really proud of himself, Satan is very happy
found top pic of hottest fag ever