The DS cabal planned on the genocide of the white race, conservatives, Christians, and Patriots; who are basically their only real threat. Muslims are controlled by the MBH / Saudi Arabia and already marry children by Sharia Law. The Georgia Guidestones stated that they planned on killing 15 out 16 people worldwide by pandemic and vaccines and Covid was their attempt. Many people thought they would of had a future in this NWO and considered because they support and fostered this agenda that they and their families were considered 1 of 16. They never did the math, nor considered the number of Jews, Italians, MBH, CCP, and elites making up the 500 million. Out of the 500m, 200 million were to be the new slaves. Many stupid worthless tools that fought for the cabal such as Indians, South American gangs, Irish cops and politicians, and countless libtards; thought they would have a future, not realizing they had none. They are too stupid to do the math.