blah blah blah, the bolshevik-freemasonaries who kidnap, rape, torture, eat babies, humans, control the cocaine and human trafficking routes have perfected mass psychosis and mkultra techniques because the real money is in the children, always has been.. aka child brides
We are at a cusp of technological revolution of human controls, the bolshevik-freemasonaries have scripted the end of America with numerous mass depopulation events, many of which under the guise of natural events but also includes the poison jabs
Stop being so cryptic now, who the fuck cares, the system is fake, satanic sheriffs, satanic city attorneys, the American slave colony that shrugged off the Old World during her struggle during the revolutionary war only to be further infiltrated and turned back into another Old World slave colony
You can talk about hybrids, lizards, aliens, reptilians, 5th gen weapons, pager bombs, federal reserve, bolshevik migration, operation paperclip though