Anonymous ID: 880d30 July 18, 2018, 6:05 p.m. No.2204931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4946 >>5133

NY Times (Op-Ed): A President With No Shame and a Party With No Guts






Of all the no good, dirty, lying journalistic Jew jackals in Sulzberger's stinky kennel of seditious scribblers, three-time "Pulitzer Prize winner" ™ Thomas Friedman (cough cough) has got to be the most vile and the most vicious of the whole putrid pack – well, maybe a close second to Paul (((Krugman))) (cough cough). Or maybe to Andrew (((Rosenthal))) (cough cough)? Or David (((Brooks))) (cough cough)? Or Maggie (((Haberman))) (cough cough)? Or Mark((( Landler)))? Or Steven Lee (((Meyers)))(cough cough)? Or Nicholas (((Kristoff))) (cough cough)? Or Roger (((Cohen))) (cough cough)? Or — damn! They are all really, really bad.

Even by Friedman's own standards of deceit, the Bolshevik boldness behind the lies contained in this latest anti-Trump hate-piece are astonishing to behold. Hazmat suits and goggles on, boys and girls. Into Friedman's filth we go for a few excerpts and rebuttals.


Among the scheming deceivers at (((Sulzberger's))) Slimes, the competition for biggest liar of all is fierce.


Freakman: If your puppy makes a mess on your carpet and you shout “Bad dog,” there is a good chance that that puppy’s ears will droop, his head will bow and he may even whimper. In other words, even a puppy acts ashamed when caught misbehaving. That is not true of Donald Trump.


Rebuttal: Puppies pooping in the house and Donald Trump? This analogy sounds as if it were written by an 10-year old yeshiva boy. The Putin-Trump Axis has really pushed these New World Order grease-balls into a state of mental derangement and dangerous desperation.


Freakman: What makes Trump even more powerful and problematic is that this president with no shame is combined with a party with no spine…


Rebuttal: Freakman is upset because more and more Republicant's – sensing which way the voter wind is blowing – are lining up behind Trump.


Freakman: .. and a major network with no integrity ….


Rebuttal: He means the Trump supporters at FOX News (Laura Ingraham, Jeanine Pirro, Neil Cavuto, Sean Hannitty, Tucker Carlson et al)


Freakman: — save for a few real journalists at Fox News like the outstanding Chris Wallace.


Rebuttal: Of course, Freakman would single out FOX's closeted libtard Chris Wallace (cough cough) as an exception – a "real journalist." Actually, apart from the talk show personages at FOX, the actual news reporting program at FOX is surprisingly libtarded.


Freakman: Don’t be fooled by the last-second tut-tutting of G.O.P. senators about Trump’s kowtowing to Vladimir Putin in Helsinki…


Rebuttal: "Kowtowing to Vladimir Putin," eh? Evidently this pudgy little fake tough guy– like his journalistic ancestors of the the 1930's / 40's, wants another World War.


Freakman: … and spurning of our intelligence agencies.


Rebuttal: Ah yes – the oh-so-incorruptible and oh-so-infallible "17 intelligence agencies" ™ and their reports. The same Deep State scum that brought us the "intelligence" about:


Saddam's "weapons of mass destruction" (now known to have been a false report)

Qaddafi's fighter jet strafing of civilian protesters (now known to have been a false report)

Assad's poison-gassing of Syrian children (now known to have been a false report)

The Saudi caveman's orchestration of the 9/11 attacks of 2001 (a laughable fairy tale for normies and TV addicted morons)


… and so much more. You'll have to excuse our skepticism, Freakman.

Anonymous ID: 880d30 July 18, 2018, 6:05 p.m. No.2204940   🗄️.is 🔗kun
  1. The Trump-Putin bromance is driving Sulzberger's Slimes into a panicked, yet very dangerous, frenzy. 2. Trump would be a fool to trust the "17 intelligence agencies" ™ of the deceitful Deep State (though we do believe that the NSA is mostly under the control of the "White Hats" now.) 2. The Piranha Press is actually part of the Deep State / "17 intelligence agencies" ™complex.


Freakman: Until and unless the G.O.P.-led Congress passes legislation that protects special counsel Robert Mueller from being fired by Trump …


Rebuttal: The Anti-New York Times is very pleased is see that Freakman and his ilk remain in a state of delusion over the wide-ranging and far-reaching investigation being conducted by their hero, Robert Mueller. Oh the excruciating screams of butt-hurt we will hear when it finally becomes clear to all that Robert Mueller, an ex-Marine, is working hand-in-hand with the same military intelligence forces which recruited Trump as their frontman.


Freakman: … or enacts into law specific, deeper sanctions on Russia if it is ever again caught trying to tilt our elections


Rebuttal: Who says that the Russians tried to "tilt our elections?" Oh, that's right – "the 17 intelligence agencies" ™ (bow your heads in solemn reverance when you speak of the Sainted 17)


Freakman: — or secures Trump’s tax returns or the transcript of his two hours and 10 minutes of private conversation with Putin …


Rebuttal: We have been rebutting the same old lies about Trump for the past two years, and those about Putin for the past five years. It's really becoming as tiresome as it is infuriating, so we'll let a special guest close this rebuttal piece out for us. Joseph Goebbels was Minister of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment during the German glory years, and he really had characters such as Freakman all figured out. In a 1933 radio speech, delivered before the NSDAP had consolidated its power, Goebbels, in condemnation of the Judenpresse, he thundered:


"They ought to stop lying. One day our patience will come to an end and then we will grab these insolent Jews by their throats and shut their lying mouths!" Tell it, little Joe. Tell it!


  1. Robert Mueller volunteered for the Marines in 1966, right after graduating from Princeton. In 1968, he was named a lieutenant leading a combat platoon in Vietnam. 2. The Marines' motto is "Semper Fidelis" (always faithful). We believe (not withstanding the ridicule from a few of our beloved readers) that Mueller remains faithful to the secret military power behind Trump. 3. In spite of his diminutive physical stature, nobody could bring the rhetorical heat down upon the Freakmans of his day as hard as Little Joey Goebbels.

Anonymous ID: 880d30 July 18, 2018, 6:13 p.m. No.2205006   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NY Times: Aiming for Miss Universe — and Universal Transgender Rights




Ever since the Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand of Aragon & Isabella of Castile issued the Alhambra Decree of 1492 – the edict which booted the self-chosenites from Spain – the people that "never forget" ™ have dreamed of the downfall and moral Jewification of that once mighty global empire and, later on, the motherland itself. From 1870 to today, the "powers that be" (cough cough), working through their obedient communist and globalist surrogates, were responsible for committing the following high-profile acts of destabilization and conquest against Catholic Spain:


1870: Prime Minister Juan Prim is assassinated.

1897: Prime Minister Antonio Canovas is assassinated.

1898: U.S. is used to start a war with Spain which leads to the transfer of Cuba, Puerto Rico, The Philippines and Guam from Spanish rule to US / Globalist control.

1905: Red terrorists Hurl 'Flower Bomb' At King & Queen Consort of Spain Just After They Were Married.

1912: Prime Minister José Canalejas is assassinated.

1921: Prime Minister Eduardo Dato is assassinated.

1936-39: Many foreign communist terrorists (mostly Jews) volunteer to fight in the Spanish Civil War against the conservative forces of General Francisco Franco

1973: Prime Minister Luis Carrero Blanco (an ally of Franco) is assassinated.

1975: After the death of the "authoritarian" ™ leader Franco, libtarded King Juan Carlos begins transforming Spain from fascism to "democracy" ™.


  1. Ferdinand & Isabella had it right in 1492. 2. For nearly four decades, Franco the Good (shaking hands with The Great One) protected Spain from Marxism and libtardism. 3. Soon after Franco's death in 1975, the cancer reappeared as libtard King Juan Carlos (Image 3, accepting some Jewish award) wasted little time in going full-blown "shabbus goy" (a gentile who performs tasks for the Jews).


1982: Spain is sucked into NATO

1986: Spain is sucked into the "European Community" – forerunner of the European Union.

1999: Spain becomes one of the first countries to adopt Rothschild's "Euro" as its currency.

2015: Spain apologizes for the 500-year-old Alhambra Decree, and offers citizenship to all Jews of Separdic ancestry!

2018: A MAN is crowned, "Ms. Spain."


Take a bow Rothschild – mission accomplished.


The usual suspects don't even hide the fact that they are pushing tranny-insanity very hard. "Ms. Spain" – a surgically mutiliated "maricon" in drag – will now compete for Ms. Universe.


As for the Slimes' glowing and gloating portrayal of this Spanish spit-in-the-face of our Creator, the article reads like a satire of itself – something which even just 7 years ago would have been taken for exactly that, satire. But unfortunately, it is not satire. The mass madness is real. A few excerpts:


"Asked when she first realized that she was a girl, Ángela Ponce answered with her own question: “And when did you first know you were a boy?”


“Having a vagina doesn’t make a woman,” she said in an interview. “Even if many people don’t want to see me as a woman, I clearly belong among them.”

….. Ms. Ponce gives talks in schools and meets with children and parents who are struggling with transgender issues.


…. When she was about 16, Ms. Ponce decided to undergo hormonal treatment and eventually vaginal plastic surgery, “to remove what for me was a burden and a trauma.” But she said that her message to the teenagers whom she now meets is always that vaginal surgery is a personal choice, and that it is not essential to being a woman.


“There are women with a penis and men with a vagina, because the only key part of being a woman is to be and feel like a woman,” she said.

“Women own their bodies, and many of them have had plastic surgery, so how is reshaping your nose or your cheek bones to make you feel better any different to getting a vagina or breast enlargement?”


Ms. Ponce also lamented what she described as the hypocrisy of some big clothing brands that refused her as a model once they found out that she was transgender."

Anonymous ID: 880d30 July 18, 2018, 6:13 p.m. No.2205013   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ms. Ponce also lamented what she described as the hypocrisy of some big clothing brands that refused her as a model once they found out that she was transgender."


What else could we possibly add to enhance the understanding of such Marxist madness. It, along with the photos of "Ms. Spain" in drag which appear in the Slimes article, speaks for itself.


Dude! You're a frickin' dude! Comprende?


Actually, mainly for the benefit of the weak-minded and / or libtarded who occasionally stumble across TomatoBubble / The Anti-New York Times, there is something else we'd like to add to this rebuttal. The imagery of what people calling themselves "doctors" are paid – with taxpayer dollars in many cases – to actually do to these insane wretches should be enough to shock even some dim-witted libtards into their senses. Procedures such as hormone treatment and voice feminization are bad enough – but have a look at the actual mutilation which these freaks are subjecting their God-given sex organs to.




Breast removal, surgically enlarged clitoris, prosthetic penis and testicles. The urethra can be rerouted to allow urination through the newly constructed "penis."




The testicles are removed, and the sliced skin of the penis is inverted as a flap preserving blood and nerve supplies, to form a "vagina". A "clitoris" fully supplied with nerve endings can be formed from part of the penis.


This is normal? Seriously? This is frickin' normal? — (palm to face, deep breath, sighing) … Adios, Spain. Adios.

Anonymous ID: 880d30 July 18, 2018, 6:20 p.m. No.2205095   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5144 >>5222


He outlined the entire conspiracy we are fighting right now.


If you think you won WWII…


What the fuck do you have to show for it?


Looks like you delivered the world to the cabal on a silver platter.


Gee who woulda thought that fighting for a jew commie democrat that vowed to never go to war…


Than appears to have engineered Pearl Harbor to occur (if it was not outright arson)…


Recognize the USSR which had already killed millions of white christians and put them in gulags and disarmed them…


Who could ever thought killing sixty million more white people would have led us to this point???


You traitorous cucks are literally the lowest most cowardly fucking people on the planet. You are the most intellectually lazy faggots in the history of the world.

Anonymous ID: 880d30 July 18, 2018, 6:55 p.m. No.2205578   🗄️.is 🔗kun




That just so happen to all vote for the democrats