NY Times (Op-Ed): A President With No Shame and a Party With No Guts
Of all the no good, dirty, lying journalistic Jew jackals in Sulzberger's stinky kennel of seditious scribblers, three-time "Pulitzer Prize winner" ™ Thomas Friedman (cough cough) has got to be the most vile and the most vicious of the whole putrid pack – well, maybe a close second to Paul (((Krugman))) (cough cough). Or maybe to Andrew (((Rosenthal))) (cough cough)? Or David (((Brooks))) (cough cough)? Or Maggie (((Haberman))) (cough cough)? Or Mark((( Landler)))? Or Steven Lee (((Meyers)))(cough cough)? Or Nicholas (((Kristoff))) (cough cough)? Or Roger (((Cohen))) (cough cough)? Or — damn! They are all really, really bad.
Even by Friedman's own standards of deceit, the Bolshevik boldness behind the lies contained in this latest anti-Trump hate-piece are astonishing to behold. Hazmat suits and goggles on, boys and girls. Into Friedman's filth we go for a few excerpts and rebuttals.
Among the scheming deceivers at (((Sulzberger's))) Slimes, the competition for biggest liar of all is fierce.
Freakman: If your puppy makes a mess on your carpet and you shout “Bad dog,” there is a good chance that that puppy’s ears will droop, his head will bow and he may even whimper. In other words, even a puppy acts ashamed when caught misbehaving. That is not true of Donald Trump.
Rebuttal: Puppies pooping in the house and Donald Trump? This analogy sounds as if it were written by an 10-year old yeshiva boy. The Putin-Trump Axis has really pushed these New World Order grease-balls into a state of mental derangement and dangerous desperation.
Freakman: What makes Trump even more powerful and problematic is that this president with no shame is combined with a party with no spine…
Rebuttal: Freakman is upset because more and more Republicant's – sensing which way the voter wind is blowing – are lining up behind Trump.
Freakman: .. and a major network with no integrity ….
Rebuttal: He means the Trump supporters at FOX News (Laura Ingraham, Jeanine Pirro, Neil Cavuto, Sean Hannitty, Tucker Carlson et al)
Freakman: — save for a few real journalists at Fox News like the outstanding Chris Wallace.
Rebuttal: Of course, Freakman would single out FOX's closeted libtard Chris Wallace (cough cough) as an exception – a "real journalist." Actually, apart from the talk show personages at FOX, the actual news reporting program at FOX is surprisingly libtarded.
Freakman: Don’t be fooled by the last-second tut-tutting of G.O.P. senators about Trump’s kowtowing to Vladimir Putin in Helsinki…
Rebuttal: "Kowtowing to Vladimir Putin," eh? Evidently this pudgy little fake tough guy– like his journalistic ancestors of the the 1930's / 40's, wants another World War.
Freakman: … and spurning of our intelligence agencies.
Rebuttal: Ah yes – the oh-so-incorruptible and oh-so-infallible "17 intelligence agencies" ™ and their reports. The same Deep State scum that brought us the "intelligence" about:
Saddam's "weapons of mass destruction" (now known to have been a false report)
Qaddafi's fighter jet strafing of civilian protesters (now known to have been a false report)
Assad's poison-gassing of Syrian children (now known to have been a false report)
The Saudi caveman's orchestration of the 9/11 attacks of 2001 (a laughable fairy tale for normies and TV addicted morons)
… and so much more. You'll have to excuse our skepticism, Freakman.