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Jewish control of American mass media
nothing to see here
nothing to worry about
totally normal
>The country has rare earth minerals worth trillions and is ready to make a deal with the US, Senator Lindsey Graham has said
why is this murderous traitor still breathing?
>The Republican senator from South Carolina told Fox News that the Ukraine conflict is ultimately “about money.” An extract of the interview was published on the senator’s YouTube channel on Wednesday.
“You know that the richest country in all of Europe for rare earth minerals is Ukraine?” he said, estimating the worth at 2 to 7 trillion dollars.
>Graham added that Ukraine is ready to “do a deal with us,” but not Russia. “So it’s in our interest to make sure that Russia doesn’t take over the place,” he said, describing Ukraine as the “breadbasket of the world.”
>“We can make money and have an economic relationship with Ukraine. It would be very beneficial to us, with peace,” Graham went on to say. “Donald Trump is going to do a deal to get our money back, to enrich ourselves with rare earth minerals. A good deal for Ukraine and us.”
>The president-elect, he added, will also help settle the conflict by concluding an “honorable deal” that would avoid “humiliating” Russian President Vladimir Putin and setting the stage for another conflict.
>“Donald Trump knows how to end wars. All Joe Biden knows how to do is start wars,” he said.
Greater israel/Khazaria 2.0 (former Ukraine)