and I would say that the democrats problem with the Trump picks are that the ones you mention are tasked with something that the Democrats want to twart and those that Trump pickedare competentto succeed in their tasks, which is why the Democrats don't want them.
being so attached to music that was made by people who lived in a sexualized jungle of mean . . . where fame was applied . . .
seems juvenile to me.
Music is nice. Idolatry, not so much.
no thanks, I don't have a taste for the shit in your shorts.
dude, get over it. Music is nice but being a 'super fan' is crazy.
I told you that music is fine.
you seem like a young person.
I have friends who are still stuck in their 'I followed such and such band' and that's their persona.
In their 60s, that's there persona.
That's fairly limited and it shows a striking lack of growth, both intellectually and emotionally.