There is Nothing Worse than an unconscious mind.
“And now, O ye priests, this commandment is for you. If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, saith the LORD of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart.”
Malachi 2:1-2 KJV
This says,
Listen up Pastors and Rabbis,
If you don’t start learning about meditation and the mysteries of meditation, then everything you do will bring troubles to life.
Now look around you Bible Thumping Literal Jesus believers.
You are the Problem
Lay it to heart
Enter Within
Fall Upon the Neck
Put your house in order
Measure twice
Ask seek knock
Lay low
Look East.
There are Millions of Ways to say, go inside the Mind.
There are two types of people.
Those within and those without.
To those without all you will ever see are the words as they appear on the page.
You don’t know what they MEAN.
What is the point of life if you never awaken?
All is a waste if you don’t become enlightened.
Zoid. Noice.
I do in fact sleep very still.
Man has daughter.
Loves her.
She becomes woman.
Argues with Father.
Does he quit? No! Not at all!
He and She become good at it.
I’m only filtering you because your slang sucks.
They know the secrets. They keep them from you. They think you’re sheep.
They give you religion or the right hand path.
What’s funny but true is how secretive people are about where they got their money.
Money is the God of America and not blesses those who seek it.
MAGA will not stop Commercials.
That’s very telling.
What’s wrong with your home country?
People make it that way. So if it’s a shithole it’s probably because you are steeped in religion, way too emotional and very low on logic, or simply, something or someone is stopping them, and they are just afraid.
Anytime someone says something that hurts. A faggot screams projection.