Fire memes
fucking niggers
that is bullshit
sounds like it probably is than.
anon takes it back.
seriously if you have been public and out in the open, it comes with that danger of exposing yourself to those who will attack you from every direction.
keep praying and adjust, adapt and move forward.
what did you expect to be achieved
no major disasters have been reported
trump is still in charge and has not sent out a post apart from buy muh book.
everyone is pushing nuclear fear porn which has been defused.
anons have been exposing the elites trying to move to the u.k with blackrock, bill gates and pushed a random petition which is showing moar traction on the news as moar click bait morans get involved and news feeds around the world.
what have you done other than come to the board and bitch like a female.
no news is good news..
up another 90k
will reach 3 million by tomorrow at this rate. 100k per 1 1/2 hrs, the bigger the number the faster it will go up as moar people sign it. and share.
demoralization will not work.
2,090,216 signatures