>>2205581 (lb)
>"What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?"
Oh God, I'm so excited! I finally got a rise out of this poor swabby that I taught marksmanship to back in '67. Poor UDT fuckers didn't know one end of a rifle from another, so they sent them to us for training.
I had no idea some navy puke could hold a grudge for so long, but there it is! Too bad the Corps turned him down, he might have been qualified to burn shit in drums at DaNang. Navy. Seals. Wanna be Marines.
U.S. Navy. Supply and Transportation Department of the USMC. Kek.
Don't get me wrong, Navy Corpsman and the hospital ships were tip top tippy top the best. I never let a Corpsman buy his own drink, ever. Any jarhead who did is an ungrateful POS. They were the best of the best.