stfu [57d63c]
you mad cause you black, you mad cause you black
keep seeling "it" assholes
one day at a time used to be a motto
next chance we get
let's try tail to tail and see how close we get before we touch is angelina
running low on "dragon energy"
need to be "winning"
totes adorbe btw
preperation leads a success
tehy /r g0nna w4nt 2 unplug eB0t
send teh captured to benin to /b a hoe fo agri culture
there is a part of Pfrancis in this movie
down to the last few huh
The Indian-Hindu name for the Anunnaki hybrids was the Nagas and they were also known as the Dravidians (so close to the Branch Davidians who died at Waco) and the Dasyus. James Churchward's research says the Nagas came from Lemuria. Like the Nommo from Sirius and the Annedoti of Babylonian legend, the Nagas were said to have a close connection to water and entered their underground centers through wells, lakes and rivers. The same was true in China of the Lung Wang or "Dragon Kings" who were described as part human, part serpent.
The Nagas were described as offspring from the interbreeding of humans with the serpent gods. At first it seems this union happened with a dark race, the black, Negro-like, Earth people I mentioned earlier, because the hybrids were described as dark-skinned with a flat nose. This sounds very much like the faces depicted at ancient sites in South and Central America. However, the two Indian epics also refer to how the reptilian Nagas intermingled with the white peoples and although their relationship was often one of conflict and distrust, the two interbred, the epics report, to produce a reptilian-mammal hybrid that became… the Aryan kings! 7
These are the "divine" royal bloodlines or "demigods" and they are the same bloodlines that ruled the Sumer Empire and to whom those in power today are related. In Media, now Turkey, the Iranians knew the kings as Mar, which means snake in Persian (Mars = snakes?). They were called the "dragon dynasty of Media" or "descendants of the dragon".
In the late 19th century, Colonel James Churchward, an ardent researcher into the existence of Mu or Lemuria, was shown some ancient tablets in the secret vault of a monastery in northern India. They told the story of how the Naacals or Naga Mayas ("serpents") from the continent of Lemuria-Mu had traveled to India via Burma to establish a colony there.
"The Nagas are described as a very advanced race or species, with a highly-developed technology. They also harbor a disdain for human beings, whom they are said to abduct, torture, interbreed with, and even to eat. The interbreeding has supposedly led to a wide variety of forms, ranging from completely reptilian to nearly-human in appearance. Among their many devices are 'death rays' and 'vimana', or flying, disk-shaped aerial craft. These craft are described at length in many ancient Vedic texts, including the Bhagivad-gita and the Ramayana.
The Naga race is related to another underworld race, the Hindu demons, or Rakshasas. They also possess, as individuals, "magical stones", or a 'third eye' in the middle of their brows, known to many students of eastern mysticism today as a focal point for one of the higher chakras, or energy channel-points, of the human(oid) nervous system - the chakra associated with 'inner visions', intuition, and other esoteric concepts."10
The theme of ruling "royal" families and emperors claiming descent, and their right to rule, from the "serpent gods" can be found across the ancient world. These bloodlines and connections were symbolized by royal emblems in the form of a dragon, snake, sphinx, plumed serpent, or the tree-cross or Ankh. In Egypt they had an order called the Djedhi (Jedi in Star Wars?) and the Dj meant serpent.11
Thus we have pharaohs of the serpent line called Djer, Djoser, and Djederfra. In India, the Buddhist text, The Mahauyutpatti, lists 80 kings who descended from the Nagas or "serpent kings". Hindu legend says that the Nagas could take a human or reptilian form at will. This is what is called "shape-shifting". Across India the rulers claimed power because they descended from the Nagas. Buddha is claimed to have been of the royal line of the Nagas, but then anyone said to be of a royal line in India would have to be so.
It was the Nagas who established what is now Kashmir and again the ruling bloodlines descended from them. The Chinese emperors were the same. They were known as Lung or Dragons and many of the earliest emperors were depicted with reptilian features, very much like the Nagas. One of them, called Huang Ti, was said to have been born with a "dragon-like countenance".
It was claimed that he was conceived by a ray of golden light that entered his mother's womb from the Big Dipper constellation.12 The Big Dipper includes the star Alpha Draconis, the star of Set in Egypt. Alpha Draconis is an alleged base of the "Draco" reptilian "royalty". One Chinese legend says that when he died Huang Ti transformed into an etheric dragon and flew to the realm of the immortals. The priest kings of the Peruvian Incas were symbolized by the snake and they wore bracelets and anklets in the image of a snake.
The earliest of the royal bloodlines of Central America claimed genetic descent from the serpent gods, QuetzalcoatI and Itzamna. In the Mycenaean age in Greece the kings were, in the words of author Jane Harrison, "regarded as being in some sense a snake".13
Cecrops, the first Mycenaean king of Athens, was depicted as a human with a serpent tail. Another, Erectheus, who founded the Eleusinian Mystery School, was worshipped as a live snake after his death and, according to legend, King Kadmus shape-shifted into a live snake when he died.14 The symbolism of the serpent lineage of the ancient royal bloodlines can be found on every continent.
Iran is another example. The Arab poet Firdowsi, in his Shahnemeh or Book of Kings, the legendary history of Iran completed in AD1010, tells the story of the birth of Zal, the "Demon" or "Watcher" offspring, whose appearance horrified his father, King Sam. According to Firdowsi, this Watcher hybrid called Zal married a foreign princess named Rudabeh, a descendant of the "serpent king", Zahhak, who was said to have ruled Iran for a thousand years. Rudabeh is described as tall as a teak tree and ivory-white.
These are the familiar features of the "Watcher" offspring in this ancient period. The royal or tribal rulers of China, Africa, the Near and Middle East, Europe, Asia, people of every color and creed, have claimed their right to rule by their descent from the serpent gods. As we've seen, Alexander the Great, one of the most famous monarchs and conquerors of all time, was known as the "Serpent Son". Alexander is extremely important to the Nordic-reptilian genealogy of the Illuminati bloodlines (see Appendix I). The legend goes that Alexander's real father was the serpent god, Ammon, who had mysteriously slid into his mother's bed and conceived him.15
The same story was told of the conception of Merovee, the founder of the Merovingians. This symbolism is supported by many ancient and modern accounts of "virgin birth" impregnations by reptilian beings. The stories of women being abducted by reptilians and then finding themselves pregnant are told today all around the world.
Often, as the Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa reveals from the experience of African women, the baby "disappears" from the womb during the pregnancy. The Anunnaki interbred with all genetic streams and those were the people who ruled by right of their bloodline in their particular countries and communities. So while the people believed they were being ruled by their own race, they were ruled by the same tribe. The hybrid reptilian-mammals ruled them all.
Exactly the same continues to happen today with these hybrids in control of the white peoples and the Arab, Asian, Jewish, Chinese, Central and South American nations, and so on.
I mentioned earlier that being "descended from Noah" is a code for the Illuminati bloodlines and when you scan the ancient books and texts you find some strange references to his birth. An Ethiopian text, the Kebra Nagast (Nagas?), is thousands of years old, and it describes the enormous size of the babies produced from the sexual union of human women and the "gods".
It tells of how,
"… the daughters of Cain [Nordics] with whom the angels [Anunnaki] had conceived… were unable to bring forth their children and they died".
It describes how some of the babies had to be delivered through caesarean birth:
"…having split open the bellies of their mothers they came forth from their navels".
Another story relates to Noah, the Semitic name for the Sumerian flood hero, Utnapishtim. The ancient Hebrew text, the Book of Noah and its derivative, the Book of Enoch, refers to the birth of Noah and sections also appear in the Dead Sea Scrolls, found in Israel in 1947. The Scrolls are connected with the Essene community in Palestine 2,000 years ago. Noah is the son of Lamech and he is described as unlike a human being and more like "the children of the angels in heaven". And we know who they were.
Lamech questions his wife about the father of Noah:
"Behold, I thought then within my heart that conception was (due) to the Watchers and the Holy Ones… and to the Nephilim… and my heart was troubled within me because of this child." Lamech's child, Noah, was white-skinned and blond-haired with eyes that made the whole house "shine like the Sun".16
The highest level of the reptilian "royalty" are known among UFO researchers and a number of abductees as the "Draco" after their "home" base in the Draco Constellation. These entities are described as being albino white and they project something akin to a laser-type beam from their eyes, just like the pearl-skinned chaps in the James Bond mountain. Enlil was the leader of the Anunnaki on Earth, according to the Sumerian tablets, and they refer to him as the "splendid serpent of the shining eyes".
This is a common description of the hybrid babies in these times and I have heard the same story told today, also. As I said earlier, Frans Kamp, a Dutch music teacher turned full-time researcher, was married to a woman he later realized was a reptoid hybrid.
He told me that he experienced the shining eyes of his former wife:
"One evening we had a disagreement. She didn't get what she wanted and got very mad. She smashed the door to go away to her own apartment. I followed her outside. At that moment it was already dark. I saw her walking to her car and she grabbed the car door and then it happened. Her eyes lit up. There came light out of her eyes. She went into the car and her eyes shone over the bonnet and even on the ground next to the car. I looked at it, astonished, but, strange, it wasn't a shock. More a confirmation, an 'I thought so', a 'you see!'"17
According to the Book of Genesis, Noah got seriously drunk on wine and collapsed in his tent. Ham, his son, walked in and saw his father naked. He told his two brothers before finding a cover for his father and when Noah found out he launched into a rage and put a curse on Ham and his son Canaan. Could the big deal here be that Ham saw something about Noah's body that indicated he was a child of the gods?
It appears that some of the hybrids this far back in history still had clear reptilian features, especially some sort of scaly skin on the chest. In the Hindu classic, the Mahabharata, a "demi-god" hybrid called Kama was born from the union between an Earth woman and the Sun god, Surya. The child is described as being "clad in a coat of armour, like a divine being".
By the time of "Noah", just before the final Atlantis cataclysm, humans were rebelling against the control of the Anunnaki-Nefilim and those of the hybrid bloodline were seriously unpopular. They were said to wear the "badge of shame", which could have been a patch of reptilian skin, particularly on the chest.
The Anunnaki "gods" began to hide their true nature for the same reason and operated behind the cover of the human-reptilian priesthood who were the only people allowed to "approach God" (the gods). The Slavonic Book of Enoch says that when Noah's nephew, Melchizedek, was born,
"… the badge of the priesthood was on his chest and it was glorious in appearance".18
I have heard the same phenomena described in modern accounts.
Frans Kamp's wife worked as a photo model. He told me that her skin took on a strange hide-like appearance:
"My wife had a skin-reflection or should I say hide problem? The skin is extremely important for photo-models. The first thing photographers look at is the skin. Now this skin-problem had the property that her skin got red spots and after a while changed into horny-like slices. We went to the biggest professor in the university in Utrecht. He didn't know what it was. They did all kinds of tests, but they had no explanation of it."19
According to ancient texts, Noah said that the people must not know about the child Melchizedek, because they would kill him if they saw his strange appearance. The "badge of the priesthood" was the same as the divine right to rule, it was code for the reptilian bloodlines.
The priesthood of Melchizedek became one of the most famous and powerful, and today the highest level of the hierarchy of the Mormon Church is called the Melchizedek Priesthood. The Mormon Church is a 100%-owned subsidiary of the Illuminati reptilians, and the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah, sits atop an underground reptilian base, say military insiders. The Mormon Church is a front for widespread Satanic activity and rituals among its ruling elite, although the vast majority of Mormons have no idea that this is going on. They are just the sheep controlled by forces they do not understand. And who started the Mormons? Joseph Smith, Hiram Smith, and Brigham Young. They were all high-degree Freemasons and from the Merovingian (Anunnaki) bloodline.
Satan ("The Adversary") is described in the Old Testament and the Hebrew Torah as the "Old Serpent" or "Dragon" and he was said to be the ruler of the Nefilim who fled within the Earth after losing a cosmic battle for supremacy. The Hebrew name for Eve's tempter is Nahash, which besides its translation as serpent also reads: "He Who Knows Secrets", another theme of the reptilian gods.21
Enoch, like Noah, was said to "walk with the gods", and the ancient Book of Enoch says that a Watcher who revealed secrets to humans was called Gadreel.
This is a "fallen angel" who has been identified with the serpent who tempted Eve and he is a blueprint for a number of later deities who took knowledge (often symbolized as fire, illumination) from "the gods" and gave it to humans.
Adam and Eve
As I've suggested, the Biblical Adam and Eve were probably not individuals, but hybrid genetic streams, as in "the" Adam and "the" Eve. At first the interbreeding produced a very reptilian offspring…thus "God" (the gods) made man in his (their) image. This is where the otherwise unexplainable reference in the Bible to "Let us make man in our image" comes from.22
In this period, as confirmed in the Sumerian descriptions, the Adam and the Eve were cloned and could not reproduce. This caused problems for the Anunnaki because they could not create enough worker slaves for the agenda they had planned for the Earth. Eventually the human slaves were given the ability to procreate and this involved an infusion of far more mammalian genes, according to R.A. Boulay in his excellent and highly recommended book, Flying Serpents And Dragons, Mankind's Reptilian Past (1997).
This change from clone to pro-creator is presented symbolically in the Garden of Eden story with Eve being condemned to suffer the pains of childbirth. Sex between their creations was the "forbidden fruit" symbolized in the Eden story, Boulay suggests. The "god" responsible for this development was Enki. He was the serpent in the garden "tempting" Eve and he was later to become extremely unpopular with the rest of the Anunnaki leadership because of the explosion in the human population that followed, the Sumerian tablets tell us. Incidentally, Enki, the expert in advanced science and medicine, was symbolized as two serpents intertwining around a staff that could well symbolize the reptilian DNA.
We call this the caduceus and it is the symbol of today's medical profession. No accident. This evolution from outwardly reptilian to outwardly mammalian is described in the ancient Hebrew work, the Haggadah ("The Telling"), a compendium of Hebrew oral traditions going way back.
It says:
"Before their bodies had been overlaid with a horny skin and enveloped with a cloud of glory. No sooner had they violated the command given them that the cloud of glory and the horny skin dropped from them and they stood there in their nakedness and ashamed."23
This fits with the legends which say that before the "fall", people, or "Man", had skin "as bright as daylight and covered his body like a luminous garment".24 This later disappeared, but there were remnants of it among the hybrids at the time of "Noah" and the deluge. Still today, some people involved in government genetic experimentation tell me they have developed patches of reptilian skin.
It was with the infusion of mammalian genes that the life spans began to fall from thousands of years, claimed in the records of the pre-deluge era, down to hundreds at the time of "Noah" with the reptilian appearance continuing to fade. The reptilian "gods" have always been associated with enormous life spans and the serpent was a Sumerian and Egyptian symbol of immortality.
They are not immortal in physical form. It just seems like that to those who live much shorter physical life spans. Another early figure of significance would seem to be a guy known as Jared, the father of Enoch, and the first of the Patriarchs who did not marry his sister in the line with the Anunnaki's recorded custom of producing children with their sisters and children for genetic reasons.
It was during the period of Jared, way back in the Golden Age, that the Nefilim, the so-called sons of the gods (also "Angels of the Lord" in other versions), appeared on the scene to "marry" human women. Today, in the United States, there is apparently an organization called the Sons of Jared who pledge an,
"implacable war against descendants of the Watchers who …as notorious pharaohs, kings and dictators, have throughout history dominated mankind".
Their publication, The Jaredite Advocate, condemns the Watchers as being "… like super-gangsters, a celestial Mafia ruling the world".
The Anunnaki have been protected from exposure all this time by the "middle men" they have placed between themselves and humanity. I call this the hybrid Priesthood. In ancient times the hierarchy of the priesthood were the only ones allowed to "see God" (the gods).
The Levite priesthood of the Hebrews is just one example of how only the priests were allowed to approach the deity, as outlined in the Hebrew Torah. According to various descriptions, even most of the Sumerian priests never looked the gods in the face. The priests controlled all the administration of the state on behalf of the unseen gods. What was Yahweh-Jehovah always saying?
He must not be seen:
"…you cannot see my face, for man may not see me and live".25
This was possibly one reason for the ban on the making of "graven images" of the gods. Yahweh-Jehovah has also been associated with a reptilian in some versions. The Sumerian tablets describe how their cities were overlooked by a large stepped pyramid or "ziggurat" close to the temple and palace. At the top of the ziggurat, the tablets reveal, was the "holy of holies" or "cella" where the gods "lived".
Here the humans chosen by their genetics were brought to have sex with the Anunnaki "royalty" and produce the bloodlines that became the kings, queens, and leaders of all sections of society -the same situation that we have today. The ziggurats were often referred to as "mountains" and this led to some of the gods being called so and so "of the mountain".
The layout of the ziggurat symbolized so perfectly the pyramid structure of our society in which the few at the top administer the global prison that the Anunnaki have created to control us. This is the structure through which their very existence is kept secret. Today's hybrid priesthood can be found throughout politics, business, banking, the media, and, especially, in the highest ranks of the secret society network.
As there are not many of these reptilians and their purest bloodlines compared with the human population, they have had to work and manipulate to introduce a structure of society in which,
(a) the key decisions are made by fewer and fewer people as power is continually centralized
(b) humanity is manipulated to police itself and keep each other in a mental and emotional prison.
The reptilians appear to take three expressions. There are physical beings who live mostly within the Earth (inner-terrestrials); physical beings that come from the stars (extraterrestrials); and non-physical beings, the real centre of power, which exist on other frequencies and use their hybrid bloodlines to manipulate unseen.
The reptilians have worked this scam in many parts of the galaxy, it would seem. It all sounds utterly bizarre and ludicrous. I understand that reaction and yes it is bizarre from a conditioned perspective. Unfortunately, it is not ludicrous. If only it was.
The Las Vegas-based John Rhodes, a long-time researcher into the reptilian Phenomenon, summarizes his conclusions like this:
muhhindudemonshillin /b as old as pirates @ /pol/
The fairy folk
The tales of underground worlds inhabited by fairies, elves, goblins, demons, dragons, and other non-human communities abound in folklore across the world and they were often known as the "shining ones", the same as the Anunnaki and the "gods" under other names in ancient texts. Even a brief glance at the basic themes of these stories confirms that they are talking about the same "extraterrestrials" that abductees and researchers of today's underground bases are describing.
The name in Norse folklore for this underground world of caverns, tunnel networks, and even vast cities, is Niflheim. The close similarity to Nefilim is obvious and they were said to reside within the Earth. The Norse people said that Niflheim was ruled by the death goddess, Hel. These subterranean networks could be accessed through the mounds and hill forts built by the ancients and the mountains, hills, and lakes they held to be sacred.
These "fairy folk" in all their names and guises were said to interbreed with humans to create hybrid bloodlines, abduct surface people, drink human blood, and take human reproductive materials. Sound familiar? And the main form in which these "fairies" and "elves", etc. appeared was reptilian. Elf or elven is still one of the Illuminati code names for the reptilian bloodlines.
The tales of non-human "gods" living within mountains or having their subterranean complexes entered through mountains is likely to be the origin of the endless myths about "holy" or "sacred" mountains. Mount Olympus, the home of the Greek pantheon of gods, is one example. Zeus, their king of the gods, was said to come down from the mountain to seed children with human women. Meetings between the mythical Moses and his god were often associated with mountains.
I will investigate these ancient and modern connections between modern "extraterrestrials" and the folklore "fairies" later in the book.27
The Anunnaki wars
The Sumerian tablets, according to translators like Zecharia Sitchin,* tell of wars between Anunnaki factions. The tablets say that the Anunnaki leadership, like Enlil and Enki, eventually gave much greater power to their children, who were assigned different parts of the world to rule and develop. Nannar, the eldest son of Enlil, ruled Mesopotamia, Palestine, Jordan, and Syria from the city of Ur, we are told.
For some inexplicable reason, Zecharia Sitchin refuses to accept the existence of a serpent or reptilian race in the ancient world, despite the mountain of evidence. During a conversation with me in Cancun, Mexico, in 1998, he told me there was no evidence of such a race. Later he leaned forward across the table and said: "Don't go there". As you can see, I took his advice.
The crescent moon was his symbol and this was inherited by Islam. Nannar was known as Sin in the Semitic language and it is from this name of a reptilian god that we get Sinai and the Christian term "sinner" or "to sin".
The Christian cross was the symbol of U-TU "the shining one" and known to the Semites as Shamash. He was the grandson of Enlil and son of Sin, the tablets tell us. Shamash ruled the Lebanon, then a place of enormous forests, and his capital was Beth-Shamash ("House of Shamash"), which we know better as Baalbek. This is where a fantastic structure can be found to this day with its giant stones weighing more than three jumbo jets. Enlil's younger son was given control of Anatolia, now Turkey.
This was Ishkur or "He of the Mountain Land" and he became the god of the Nordic-Aryan Hittites. The Old Testament calls him Adad and the Hadad. R.A. Boulay believes this is also the Hebrew god, Yahweh/Yahveh or Jehovah. The daughter of Sin, known as Inanna or Ishtar (Semitic), was a warrior goddess deity of many lands under different titles. Ishtar's symbol was the lion and also the Pleiades and Venus.
Together with Sin (Shamash) and Ishkur (Adad), she became part of another ancient trinity of gods under many different names. Sin was the father, Ishkur the son, and Ishtar the female. From Ishkur and Ishtar, we get the New Age myth of the "Ashtar Command". Many New Agers claim this is a force of extraterrestrial "saviors" who are preparing to take the chosen ones off the planet when the brown stuff hits the spinning propeller. A sort of Jesus with a spaceship.
Other front-line figures in this next generation of Anunnaki leaders after the deluge included Marduk, son of Enki, the tablets say. Marduk was the god of Babylon. The ancient texts, tablets, and legends describe how these gods embarked on a battle for power that brought the world to its knees. Some of these conflicts, with humanity used as battle-fodder, are featured in the Old Testament.
One defining event described in the tablets involved the Anunnaki "god" known as Sin. The name comes from the Sumerian SW-EN or ZU-EN, as Boulay reveals in Flying Serpents And Dragons, and Sin clearly appears to be the "villain" of the Sumerian story called "The Myth of Zu". In this, Zu (Sin), the "evil dragon", tries to seize control of the Earth and the Anunnaki leadership by stealing "power stones", which the accounts refer to as the ME (pronounced "may").
The ancient nuclear holocaust
The story is told of how the Anunnaki "god" Ninurta volunteered to recover the ME stones. Zu created what seems to be a force field to protect himself from attack and the tablets say:
"While he controlled the ME, no arrow could approach him."
Enki, the chief scientist and engineer, creates a new weapon to penetrate Zu's defenses and he is eventually defeated. Other Anunnaki also made attempts to steal the ME stones as the battle for power and control between them continued, just as it does today.
Zu (Sin) was put on trial, but the outcome is not known. It is obvious, however, that the origin of the term "sin" in the Bible relates to defying the will of "God", the gods. The story of the battle between Zu and Ninurta describes the use of high-tech weaponry, and if anyone thinks that was not possible thousands of years ago, I am afraid the evidence suggests otherwise.
At Rajasthan in India, radioactive ash covers three square miles not far from Jodhpur. This is an area of high rates of cancer and birth defects and it was cordoned off by the Indian government when radiation readings soared astonishingly high. An ancient city was unearthed which, the evidence indicates, was destroyed by an atomic explosion some 8,000 to 12,000 years ago. It has been estimated that half a million people could have died in the blast and it was at least the size of those that devastated Japan in 1945.
Support for these modern finds can be found in the ancient texts. The Mahabharata epic tells of:
"A single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe… An incandescent column of smoke and flame as bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its splendor… it was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes an entire race."
It talks of corpses burned so badly they could not be identified. How their hair and nails fell out, pottery broke "without cause", and birds turned white. Within hours foodstuffs were contaminated.
Is that the description of a nuclear explosion or what?
This and a very long list of other texts, like the Ramayana, describe a horrific war between the Indian peoples and the Atlanteans. They fought in the sky using the flying vehicles they call Vimanas while the Atlanteans used their "Vailixi". The Indian accounts even describe a battle between them on the Moon and this supports the claims of people like Arizona Wilder, a mind-controlled slave who worked for the higher levels of the Illuminati.
She claims that the reptilians and the blond-haired, blue-eyed, Nordics, fought ancient battles on the Moon and Mars, as well as the Earth. All this happened during the pre-cataclysmic Atlantean/Lemurian "Golden Age" and this underpins the stories of how the once great and mighty Atlantis came to an end amid high-tech war and catastrophe.
But when the Anunnaki returned after the upheavals, the same mentality returned with them and the evidence shows that there were more nuclear holocausts. Archaeological discoveries in the Indus Valley show that cities were built there in the period between 3500 and 3000BC (when the Anunnaki-controlled Sumer Empire was well established) and they were destroyed about 2000BC amid enormous violence.
What's more, skeletons found at these sites record high rates of radioactivity. Around this same time of 2000BC, Sumer came to an end with an "evil wind", which has all the signs of nuclear fall-out. This "wind" brought the sudden demise of Sumer and the neighboring Akkadians. Texts known as Lamentations tell of a "calamity" that befell Sumer, one "unknown to man, one that had never been seen before". There was an "evil wind", a battling storm and a "scorching heat". Some kind of cloud shut out the Sun by day and the stars by night.
The texts continue:
"The people, terrified,
could hardly breathe; the evil wind clutched them,
does not grant them another day…
Mouths were drenched with blood,
heads wallowed in blood…
The face was made pale by the Evil Wind."
"It causes cities to be desolated,
houses to become desolate;
Stalls to become desolate,
the sheepfolds to be emptied…
Sumer's rivers make it flow
with water that is bitter;
its cultivated fields grow weeds,
its pastures grow withering plants."29
Even the gods had to evacuate these lands, we are told, and all the Sumerian cities were affected in the same way at the same time. Just as the nuclear devastation in the Indus Valley corresponds with the time period of this poisonous "evil wind" in Sumer, so it also corresponds with the timescale that saw the violent demise of the Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah.