Apple iCloud data in China now stored by state-owned company
https ://
makes it easier for fb to access data
Apple iCloud data in China now stored by state-owned company
https ://
makes it easier for fb to access data
nyt story for tommorow says IA says PUTIN made the phone call to hack the election
ingraham angle
Clapper comey Breenen
trafficking drugs?
think heroin ?
think Adrenchrome - the new drug of the clowns
Trafficking Children!!!
Trying to Frame Putin ? (map)
Clowns invented crack now its children and Adrenchrome ?
They are trying to ovethrow a sitting POTUS
and start WWIII with Russia ?
Trafficking U1 ?
Would have been interesting if he openly said this at the Summit โฆ..
Brennen not getting the ok from Russia !
Double Agent tries to Frame Russia
With the CLAP
The CLAP sounds like a disease