>Manchester Cops Refuse White People Entry Into A Mall To Protect Muslims, Arrest One Man Who Refuses To Leave
what kind of goosestepping PIG would follow those orders?
there needs to draconian retribution that will reverberate thru history, so that NO ONE in the next 1000 yrs will ever pull this shit again
>Keister Corker Alert!
wtaf is that even supposed to mean?
there's something WRONG with you
VERY wrong
your anal obsession tells more about (You) than about the post to which you're replying
git the Rx on yer glasses chekt
top kek!
strip the self-loathing white pigs of their citizenship and set them adrift in a lifeboat near a third world coast, preferably a former british colony
you are a fucking triggered MORAN
i asked for a LITERAL definition of "keister corker" and it's RELEVANCE to your post
your response confirms you're profoundly disturbed and a likely a closet faggot
only glowniggers announce their filter, as if ANYONE else cares who you filter
get professional help
maybe visit a psychiatric clinic in canada
here it's a joke
maybe you might try running the ad in the NYT or WAPO to see how many take the bait
secure a domain name at godaddy and have the idjits leave their contact info