You're not watching a movie you fucking morons, you are in a spiritual battle its just you dont have enough integrity of the right spirit to know it
What are you guys even doing here, Q said the goal was ascension
The logo of this board is a serpent and its called 8kun, yet not once during this enitre campaign has anyone touched on what kundilini is. I wonder why
This is what is called a scorpion this is the spirit of Lucifer, this is the female spirit, this is the enemy of light. Did Q mention ascension?
So your oblivious about the spiritual battle?
That language looks real mature for the great awakening. Notice that this picture is a vagina. This is called shadow arts, this is LUcifers symbolism
You guys on here dont know this but Lucifer is the female spirit and god of this world. Why do you want to side with her?
Its not about whats coded in your dna, this is going to offend you guys, but you were made by Lucifer. If you want to be flesh than you are an enemy of the spirit of God
Alice is the code word innocent. Thats you people, who souls were lured through the temptation of sex to become flesh to be used by Lucifer in her self cannabalizing system that feeds of the light of your soul
Q, if the goal is ascension, none of these anons know anyhting about the energy system of their soul. Is that what the WW1WGA is about? You are going to ride on my coattails?
You want to meet up and say this to my face?
Newsflash for you too buddy, Lucifer controls you as well
Dumb? I know Lucifer, do you?
If you guys are not aware of, or even interested in your chakra system, then this evil is already controlling it, which is why you get all the attitude and Godless behavior you see on this board
Im sorry, but the scorpions are the ones with the fast comebacks. Thats not how the good works. Call a demon a demon, hes not going to agree with you either
Whats light and love about these night shift images you post? Cant you tell that this is of the dark? I thought it was dark to light?
Exactly, so you too are oblivious about the spiritual battle, but just like a human, full of opinions
Its the evil that feeds off of our pain. Why would the good guy want to cause this kind of fear and panic using words and phrases like 'pain coming'?