Blow your fucking brains out you nigger loving rapist
Blow your fucking brains out you nigger loving rapist
Hope Freddie can swim. Add Brennan to the image.
Closeted honeypotting faggot. All for a larp.
Feels good being a Qtard. Perhaps the effects of gamergate and Qanon are quite similar.
What conclusion has Madeline McCann’s family reached?
Do you enjoy sitting around and watching me jerk off? You fucking fags. Kill yourself. Do I need to screenshot from archives of you telling people to do the same?
Biggest NIGGER of all time is a crippped fucking midget retard. The Zuckerberg of Chan
It was a nice shirt the patsy was wearing. Perhaps a further investigation into it. Perhaps the PATRIOTS know. Fucking nazis.
Shut up ya fucking whore.
Hillary’s not the only one with a sextape ya tear baby.
You’re a clown front. Kill yourself. January 21st the music stops.
Suicide weekend approaches
Any of you fucking pimps and whores “influencing” on YouTube got any advice for being raped for billions of dollars in real time?
He’s missing a tooth hasn’t bathed in months and married a hooker. Can’t have kids parents don’t love him and is fucking useless to society. Can’t shut his mouth was promised the world fame and fortune and everything he ever wanted well here I am. Classic case of stalker, obsession compulsive disorder, and closeted faggotry.
Hillary actually sold Special Access programs and classified intel to the Chinese and Israel. Perhaps the state department can uncover those emails so we can RESEARCH further. Gate keeping faggot. She’s not your president. Take this L.
More proof that you’re a fucking larping 70 lb slug.
What does the Bible say about looking God eye to eye?
Rest assured some will be exposed as deep cover agents. Here from the beginning spamming your bullshit. Not even fucking anime you piece of trash. You’re a grown woman. Kill yourself. Adjust your fucking tone.
Nah. No chance. You fucking voyeur. Exposed more and more everyday.
All for a larp.
You are a fucking top notch nigger.
Stop projecting. Go snort more ketamine. Talk into the microphone. Sound off like you got a pair tear baby.
You’ll have to lock them in a strain jacket and force them into my presence as they screech?