Anonymous ID: 1f8836 July 18, 2018, 8:04 p.m. No.2206391   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6472

Does anyone else see a spooky pedo spiral in this image

Or am I imagining it?


Maybe I spent too much time looking for messages in this video

From Ariana Grande

This is the year they try to normalize pedophilia

And now it seems they are also going to promote spiral imagery

Anonymous ID: 1f8836 July 18, 2018, 8:19 p.m. No.2206545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6566

The account of war between Anunaki factions

And blackened stones in a strange scar in Sinai

Gave me an idea of how to create a nuclear explosion

Without modern technology.


We know that the people who were in the Sinai

Were miners, looking for all kinds of interesting stones

The breastplate of Aaron held 12 different precious stones

Well, if there were a natural source of radium,

Such as pitchblende in the area

What would the priests say when they found this rock

Which was warm and generated its own heat?

Even when they learned that it was krypton

And could weaken and kill the strongest hero

They would still have valued it

And they would have demanded that people hunt the Sinaiopr

For every such stone

And bring it to the temple storehouses

They would have collected it in a deep underground dungeon like place

The underworld of the temple


How long did it take?

How long to collect so much pitchblende in that dungeon

That the cool dark place

Started to glow in the dark

Started to warm up

And began to burn with a magical fire

The fires of hell, there in the underworld?

All the priests would have bowed to Lord Lucifer

He who made LIGHT in the DARKNESS

Important priests would have journeyed to the land of Misr

To tell the wondrous news to the highest priests

And to pharaoh

They were luckt

Because the fires of hell burned hotter every day

And then went critical

From the land of Misr

They could see a pillar of fire

Rising from the land of Sinai

Like a giant penis

Fucking Nut, the goddess of the sky

The power of Lucifer was truly awesome

On that day they knew that Jahweh was a nobody

But his enemy Satan was the true god of power

Their progeny carry the message to us to this day


And we should listen to them,

Because if we do not listen and understand

Then we will not be able to defeat them.

The whole religion of the Illuminati

Since ancient times,

Has been founded in IGNORANCE

Everything that (((they))) thought they knew is UNTRUE

And now you know, the rest of the story,

Don't …


Anonymous ID: 1f8836 July 18, 2018, 8:24 p.m. No.2206588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6643 >>6841



All my kids used to give their mom's boobs

Lots of attention when hugging and kissing

Until around age 12

When they decided that there was a thing called

Proper behavior

Nobody took much notice

Because those boobs belonged to the kids

That was where they drew life for years

Of course it took them a few years to deal with it

And eventually move on


I worry more about the dirty minded individuals

Who are demonstrating their latent pedophilia

And want us to applaud them for that.

Sorry, but NO!

Get help from a therapist

Sort out your fucked up mind.

Who made you lord high judge and jury and executioner?

Anonymous ID: 1f8836 July 18, 2018, 8:34 p.m. No.2206677   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I think that many people of European ancestry

Are descended from the bloodline of the Khazar rulers

The men of Atil which was the Khazar capital.

And these men, called Atilar in their native Turkic language

Eventually became the monarchs of all Europe

In German, the nobility are called the Adler

And from their bloodlines, all the monarchical families were chosen

They all share certain characteristics that helped them

Consolidate that position.

Like the Nephilim, they were taller than average

Like Trump and Melania, in fact.

And also, they were BLUEBLOODS

You could see this, especially on the Adler women

On a sunny day. Their blood ran blue under their pale white skin

Of course we now know that the peasant classes

Whose skin was tanned by working every day under the hot sun

Could not see that their veins were the same blue color

And that the blue was partly an illusion

Caused by the light red (pink) color in their skin

Which made the brain tend to subtract the red component

From its vision of the venal blood.


Look around your town.

You will no doubt see relatives of the Romanov family

Oh, and read up on genetics and genealogy.

Note how everyone has TWO parents

And how in each generation you lose HALF of the genes

Of that distant and famour ancestor.

Drinking coffee a few tables away from you.

Anonymous ID: 1f8836 July 18, 2018, 8:50 p.m. No.2206832   🗄️.is 🔗kun



They all have a white napkin folded with the Bird of Paradise fold

But only one person sat down and did NOT

Take the napkin off their plate

Unfold it

And place it on their lap

Use the Russian plate positions to help you identify

The young'un

Anonymous ID: 1f8836 July 18, 2018, 9:05 p.m. No.2206986   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7023



Dump her immediately

You need to find a prostitute and marry her

A prostitute who knows that you know she is one

Will not lie to you about her past.


A lot easier to deal with the first few dates too.

Just pay your money and do what people do

Anonymous ID: 1f8836 July 18, 2018, 9:13 p.m. No.2207061   🗄️.is 🔗kun



They are trying to get Nanny Q to come back and wipe their little nosies

It's the Peter Pan syndrome.

All the liddle lamby Anons aren't ready to grow up yet.

They need a superhero,

Like in those Hollywood movies that their best buddy

Harvey Weinstein and his friends are making.

After all, Hollywood is pure as the driven snow

You can trust what their stars have to say,


Nanny Q?

It's right, isn't it?