Anonymous ID: 37a33c July 18, 2018, 8:31 p.m. No.2206650   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"The First Holocaust : The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure"



Most people believe that roughly six million Jews were killed by National Socialist Germany during World War II in an event generally referred to as the Holocaust or the Shoah. But how long have we been hearing about this six-million figure? The most widely understood answer is that the six-million figure was established after the Second World War during the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg.


Although it is true that the six-million figure was declared to be the indubitable truth at this tribunal, it is actually remarkably older. This documentary shows that the six-million figure dates back to the late 1800s, when Jewish pressure groups were targeting czarist Russia for its anti-Jewish stance, accusing Russia of oppressing and persecuting the six million Jews in Russia, and adopting a “solution” to its “Jewish question” which allegedly consisted of outright extermination. Claims that six million Jews in Europe were suffering to such a degree that millions had died already, while many more millions would face a lingering death, climaxed for the first time during fundraising campaign that started during the FIRST World War and reached its peak in the early and mid-1920s. The "New York Times" was the main vehicle for such propaganda, which also included well-known buzzwords such as “annihilation,” “extermination” and even the term “holocaust.” Although this sensational propaganda of Jewish suffering slowed down during the 1930s, it never completely ceased and received new momentum in the 1940s during the Second World War. As we all know today, this propaganda skyrocketed after Germany’s total defeat, as the victorious powers of the Second World War seized upon the opportunity to take advantage of such propaganda and to increase its scope and impact.


This documentary reveals a Jewish-Zionist propaganda pattern that has been used since the late 1800s, first against czarist Russia, then in favor of the Soviet Revolution, next against Nazi Germany, and finally and ever since in favor of Israel.


This presentation is based on Don Heddesheimer's book "The First Holocaust: The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure"

Anonymous ID: 37a33c July 18, 2018, 8:53 p.m. No.2206870   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The kikes seem bent on having a real lolocaust happen to them for a change.

I would prefer the peaceful way, but if they choose war, then I will gladly kill as many as I can. I will even do it for free.

Anonymous ID: 37a33c July 18, 2018, 8:57 p.m. No.2206910   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Judaism is a supremacist ideology.

Proof here:




Yet another enlightening video about jewish supremacism being the defining characteristic of jewish cultural identity.


Vid related is: “Jewish Divine Right to Rule Over Goyim”

Anonymous ID: 37a33c July 18, 2018, 8:58 p.m. No.2206925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7100


Its not about skin color.

Jews have white skin but they are not White in the racial sense.

And judaism and islam are supremacist ideologies that will be banned in the West.

Anonymous ID: 37a33c July 18, 2018, 9:01 p.m. No.2206946   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes, its not like what you call muhjoos don't post barrages of verifiable facts to back up their claims about jewish supremacism and subversion and you do nothing but throw that JDIF ad-hominem at them :)

Anonymous ID: 37a33c July 18, 2018, 9:04 p.m. No.2206968   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Kikes need to understand this: if Israel is not purged and jewish subversion in the West is not dealt with by means of peace and politics, then we as Western people who refuse to be dominated by them will kill them all.

That being said, trust the plan and allways follow the law, Trump and Puttin want to hang the kikes as much as we do, but in the remote possibility they fail, we will simply poison, stab, shoot and starve every muslim, jew and traitor in the West.

So kikes better get a grip and accept to do what is right the easy way.

Anonymous ID: 37a33c July 18, 2018, 9:18 p.m. No.2207140   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Top kek bantz.

Being against judaism is not the same as being raxist against racial jews.

I don't care about your race, just if you are against subversion or not, and it is a fact that judaism is a supremacist ideology, the whole concept of them religious jews being THE chosen people just because Abraham made jewish kids cut their benis is utter shit.

Anonymous ID: 37a33c July 18, 2018, 9:20 p.m. No.2207154   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It goes very deep.

It is a fact that Blacks were integrating nicely in the US in the 50's, so the divisionfag kikes had to fuck everything up. Pics related.

Anonymous ID: 37a33c July 18, 2018, 9:24 p.m. No.2207197   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It matters. I will explain:

both islam and judaism ARE supremacist ideologies, which make them imcompatible with a sustainably safe, stable and prosperous Western culture Western nation.


Islam is in the pics, proof of judaism being supremacist is in this link, read it, its not that long and CRUCIAL to understand: