Anonymous ID: 747b75 July 18, 2018, 8:04 p.m. No.2206396   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6590

Hey anons, I think I might have found something notable, maybe not. Was digging JFK jr stuff and found this article from 2015 talking about Miles theory about his dad. Noticed a Godfather reference and I recalled all Q's previous posts referencing the movie. I'm not sure who Miles is, but here's the quote and the link I found interdasting. It's a pretty far out there theory, but the Godfather reference sort of spooked me.


"This was not one faction overthrowing another. This was revolution. This was the secret and successful undermining and overthrow of a semi-Republic by a fascist alliance of oligarchs. And this was just a handful of families dominating the oligarchy for several generations. What allowed all this to happen was a perfected form of propaganda, using the latest tricks of the cinema.[…….] It was this tool that allowed the Morgan/DuPont/Kennedy coup to succeed where the other had failed, and I suggest this is the main reason the plotters allowed Kennedy to join: his connection to Hollywood and his ability to fake events. It may be that the most influential and important film of the 20th century is not Gone with the Wind or Star Wars; it is the real-life Godfather, AKA The Kennedy Assassination, with Academy Awards to Joe and Jack Kennedy for best script, best art direction, best production, best direction, best actor, and best living man playing a dead man. […….]Various billionaires had been trying to create a shadow government for many decades, with only varying degrees of success. Only Joseph Kennedy was successful."


If I understand the theory correctly, they are theorizing the Kennedy family has been faking their deaths and secretly ruling with the cabal underground and at this point that would mean JFK Jr has been in charge since his death. It's very counter intuitive to everything I always thought, but the Godfather thing caught my eye.