[m4xr3sdefault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: ec00ef nets of gross; should of sent cash July 18, 2018, 8:04 p.m. No.2206390   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Many sources point to these cities being located in what is now the southern end of the Dead Sea in Israel where unnatural levels of radioactivity persist to this day. They call this "Lot's Sea" after the Biblical character involved in the Sodom and Gomorrah story and for thousands of years it has been associated with the symbol of death. The story of Lot's wife says that she was turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back over Sodom and Gomorrah at the time of the destruction, but the words translated as "pillar of salt" can also be translated as a "pillar of vapor".30



This not only makes rather more sense than "salt", it fits with the emerging picture here. The accounts of the devastation of Sodom and Gomorrah describe how "God" decided to destroy these cities and warned his friends to get out. What a coincidence, then, that the Sumerian tablets explain in detail how the Anunnaki leadership (God = gods again), led by Enlil and some of his offspring, decided to destroy those locations in yet another internal war, this time with the one known as Marduk, the son of Enlil's half-brother and great rival Enki.



Still today it is the Enlil and Enki factions of the Anunnaki that most divide the Illuminati and create the ongoing conflict.


There is an enormous and unnatural scar in the landscape of the Sinai (Sin-ai) Peninsula, which covers an area of 112 square miles. Blackened stones (blackened only on the surface) can be found over a large section of the eastern Sinai and to conventional history and archaeology, which finds the idea of ancient high-tech weapons unthinkable, they remain a "mystery".



However, the scenes of these apparent nuclear explosions are to the west of Sumer and in the Sumerian lamentations we are told that the "evil wind" that poisoned the water and atmosphere, and brought that civilization to an immediate conclusion, was created in a "flash of lightning" and "spawned in the west". Can the mystery of Sumer's sudden demise now be solved? Could the "evil wind" have been nuclear fall-out? In around 1450BC, the classic Minoan (former Sumerian) culture was destroyed on Crete by another sudden disaster that archaeologists and historians can't explain. Once again all the cities were destroyed at the same time by some "fiery" holocaust.


Amid this series of immensely violent events and the internal war within the Anunnaki, the Sumer Empire collapsed. Its domains around the world began to self-govern, at least for a while, based on the knowledge, structure, beliefs, and myths of their former controllers. Since then, the reptilian Anunnaki have been manipulating from behind the scenes and through their hybrid bloodlines, and they are on the brink of replacing their formerly overt global empire (their Old World Order) with their covert global empire (their New World Order). They are the hidden force behind the introduction of the global centralization of power that is exploding all around us today.



The Anunnaki, at least after the final Atlantis cataclysm, sought to hide their reptilian form by keeping out of public view as much as possible.



Now you see them, now you don't


The reptilian bloodlines covertly operating within human society created many of the ancient Mystery schools to hoard the knowledge of true history, and the esoteric and technological expertise of Atlantis, Lemuria, and the post-cataclysmic world, especially the Sumer Empire. They also seized control of the other Mystery schools, which were formed with a more enlightened agenda.



This was one of the roles assigned to the Royal Court of the Dragon (also known as The Brotherhood of the Snake) from around 2000BC when it infiltrated the more positive Egyptian Mystery schools and made them vehicles of the reptilian "gods".

[m4xr3sdefault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: ec00ef 2homos #trustmurdoch July 18, 2018, 8:07 p.m. No.2206434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6469

Manly P. Hall, the Freemasonic historian, summarizes what happened, although for "black magicians of Atlantis" also read "reptilians":


"While the elaborate ceremonial magic of antiquity was not necessarily evil, there arose from its perversion several false schools of sorcery, or black magic, [in Egypt]… the black magicians of Atlantis continued to exercise their superhuman powers until they had completely undermined and corrupted the morals of the primitive Mysteries… they usurped the position formerly occupied by the initiates, and seized the reigns of spiritual government.


"Thus black magic dictated the state religion and paralyzed the intellectual and spiritual activities of the individual by demanding his complete and unhesitating acquiescence in the dogma formulated by the priest craft. The Pharaoh became a puppet in the hands of the Scarlet Council - a committee of arch-sorcerers elevated to power by the priesthood."32


This is exactly what happened in the latter era of Atlantis and what happens today with the puppet politicians placed in "power" by those behind the scenes, the Illuminati, who dictate their actions and agenda. Those who will not do as they are told are assassinated, brought down by "scandal", fall to "ill-health", or are subjected to a media campaign of abuse that persuades the people to remove them.



In the Sumer Empire you had the reptilian "gods" dictating to their priesthood, who dictated to the administrators of finance and state. The same structure remains. The hidden Anunnaki dictate to their "priesthood", the initiates and bloodlines of the Illuminati, who dictate to the administration of finance and state. Their agenda is to create a global version of that structure -the world government, central bank, army, and currency.



The Mystery school network of old, with its fiercely compartmentalized levels of initiation, has evolved into the global secret society network of today. This is topped or "capstoned" by the Illuminati and, at the very peak, by the openly reptilian Anunnaki. It has had to be done in this covert way because there are not that many of them compared with the human population and they would be overwhelmed if enough people knew what is really going on.



Today's secret society network is simply the modern expression of the Atlantean/Lemurian Mystery schools, which were taken over by a malevolent force in the period before the cataclysms. Those with a positive and negative agenda fought for control of the Mystery schools restored after the deluge. Eventually the malevolent force won that battle and began to expand its power covertly across the world again.



With them they carried their own secret language, the language of symbols, which their initiates were taught to read and understand. I call this network the serpent cult, the serpent brotherhood, or the Illuminati. Those three are the same force.



Their secret language includes,


the lighted torch (Illuminated ones)


the pyramid and all-seeing eye (apparently used by the serpent Sirians in Atlantis)


the lion (the "Sun" and symbol of the serpent cult)


the snake, fish, and flying reptile (gargoyle), and other reptilian symbolism


the hard "K" sound used in names and words (Ka, Ki, etc)


the red cross or fire cross on the white background (the flag of England)


the trinity, symbolized as the trident and later the fleurde-lis and other three-pointed forms


The reptilian-Illuminati know that the balanced fusion of male and female energy create a third and immensely powerful force and this is one reason for their obsession with the "trinity". New Agers and others talk about the need to balance male and female and they are right.