..wade into a swamp?
What kind of detah?
>Top Layer The central banks and the B.I.S its regulator.
<bank ledgers?
<B.I.S. abides by Swiss law?
Hi trannybakerfaganon
Zionist Stripe CEO
[The tranny just doesn't understand that one at all..]
Why are you still posting children?
Not obsessed
Fucking noticing anon
I'm not the one posting children reaction images.
I'm the one noticing.
How can you not notice they're children?
It's anime..
It's cartoons..
It's a child.
That's your strange mindset that I'm noticing.
"Migrant caravan"
[Where else have heard of the term caravan? Gypsy caravan. Khazaria.]
"Great Reset"
[Sarcasm on GREEEAAAATTT. Not Big. So great much amazing very no thanks.]
[Unaccompanied child. Similiar acronym to U.A.P. Unidentified aerial phenomenon.]
This is not the chans
Just because your prob a gen z doesn't mean you're getting off light on posting a plethora of child "cartoons" Trannybakerfaganon
<are you very retarted or just trannyretarted?
I said I was a millenial
>Take your little girl mental illness shit shit back to the chan rather than forcing it upon the kun.
This is a kun image board
>work relationships, between colleagues
You're the chan
3 years+ on 8kun
isn't newfag
Cease yourchild"cartoon" posting
Take that shit to
If you had said 3 6 9 or something tangibly smart
Than you'd regain some respect
Video games reference proves your retardation further
Only 619
Nowhere near 750