"Anons, Q stated a few days ago, "You are now mainstream.Handle w/ care." He stated this because with freedom comes responsibility. You may have the freedom to do or say anything you want short of breaking the law, but it is not wise to post things that are going to simply obscure the message that this movement seeks to "red-pill" the nation with. I've seen many arguing on this board in recent days over things that are not worth taking down the country for. I watched last night as a hard-core porn video was posted, without much warning that this is what was going to be in the very wicked video. I've watched pornography, anti-semitism, racism, all of these things be posted frequently with the excuse that it is a "free speech" website and people should just go return to reddit or wherever they came from because the ill-disciplined members of the 8 chan "culture" are going to do whatever they want to do and F you if you don't agree. Well, that is a choice you are making. But, if that is the path you choose, this page will be limited in the extent of its getting the message out.
In 1776, our forefathers were willing to sacrifice their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor for this country. Sacrifice. Not a word we hear too much today in this "me" and "my wants" culture. But that mindset is what kept the American Revolution from turning into the French. A love of God. A belief in something bigger than themselves. An understanding that with freedom comes responsibility. A value of human life. This all kept things in check to where the birth of a Republic could take place. Discipline. Sobriety. Focus.
As I look at 8ch, I understand why Q chose this place. No other place with an audience would have allowed them to post with the freedom they have had. Yet when I look around, I truly do fear that in the heat of the battle some will become the frothing at the mouth French Revolution maniacs and forget that we have a Constitution, we have a rule of law, and we have due process.
Examine yourself. Keep check on your emotions. Knock off posting trash to the board. Realize this moment is your moment and you have but one chance to reach the nation with a message that very well may save the country.
We are now mainstream. Handle with care."
You're beginning to understand!