@JustXAshton's orbs that teleported MH370 are way better. This orb sucks ass.
Those aren't "Karens" They are Sheboons. They are not the same thing.
Sooo Tell me you have not watched the videos AT ALL without telling me you havent watched the videos at allโฆ. FUcking retard.
Might as well draw it out for anons in crayon since no one researches here any more.
Watch the videos before posting. Is it that hard to put in a modicum of effort? Your retarded comment is immediately dismissable by a child who saw the videos. kys
You scared? Just watch the video. Don't be afraid. The orbs wont get ya.
Certainly you can disprove the videos point for point if its fake right? Why not just do it and end the terrible larp yourself! You would be a hero! Yes you would have to watch the videos thoโฆ
They would cut the Achilies tendons of their slaves so they could not run awayโฆ They were a practical people.
6 pointed starโฆ