man, posting "kys" + alan watts is sad :/
lust is the archaic meaning - now it's strength, associated with leo in the zodiac, now 8 instead of 11
Noah Oppenheimer's (NBC President) Jackie was #2 on the list with 47 votes in 2010
i would like to watch jackie and see if there's anything notable or instances of "rewriting history" as per 0c0ca4 but i am not super well versed in jfk death facts..have any R anons seen it?
is it a coincidence that NBC has a show called the blacklist? worth digging or nah?
malia obama and franklin leonard were at the sundance festival on the same day
with all due respect.. i was one of the article anons and you aren't talking to me.. idk if you're talking to the other one tho but i'm gonna filter bc trying to reconcile these blacklistanon digs
one of these people