Hello anon, good to see you.
Guess GMOs aren't quick enough, now they want GMBs.
UK pushes Genetically Modifies Babies.
Messing with mother nature, …sure, what could possibly go wrond?
First 2 pics related. Second 2 pics untouched for adding your own captions.
They not only want control over you before you're born now, but before you're even conceived. The cancerous plauge of Judaism and Jewish Supremicism must first be recognized openly and publicly before ultimately being banned in the west. Help spread this message to the rest of the Goyim, it needs to be done. Public wareness needs to reach a critical mass before the shift can happen. You aren't a racist for discussing the truth, they are the racists for wanting us dead.
To counter their 'go-to' stiffling measure of calling you an anti-semitic racist, and they will, just look them square in the eyes and say, "The Goyim Know". They will immediately avoid any further discussion with you. However, not recommended if you're alone and out numbered. If we don't come together and address this fundamental problem, the lunacy of trying to control Mother Nature and abusing all it's inhabitants will only get worse.
In God we trust. Yes, but for Christians that's Christ. For Jews, it's the anti-Christ, Lucifer. What kind of America do you want? You may think there's nothing you can do about. Well there is. Help facilitate public awareness. Puppet Obama says, "get up in their face and have that awkward discussion". That would only incite violence and the false black and white racism they push. Instead, respectfully have the conversation with your facts and references ready to identify the real racists. Keep up the good fight anons. Peace and good will towards men should and can be more than just a nobel concept.