Sounds like some shills are trying to drive a wedge between allies. Does Canada have it's share of corrupt fuckwads? Of course, but as Q said, there are more good than bad.
Remember what we are fighting, it is a global criminal organization, it has pawns in nearly every country, especially the ones that matter the most. If we spend our time arguing and fighting over petty stupid shit, we are no better than the corrupt assholes we are trying to get rid of.
Sounds like ya missed a wheel. Take another mag and try again.
Depends on your definition of, "works." I suspect quite a few "work", but do you really think the feds and other interested parties can't go around/corrupt them?
Well, we had the red wave, probably in the white squall phase now, thenโฆโฆ.IN GOD WE TRUST time.
Well stop poking those not holes.
Damn, been a while since I said that. Got one of my old scout books right here. Bear cub scout book.
I, "name," promise to do my best, to do my duty, to God and my country, to be square, and to obey the law of the pack.
-circa 1967
Kinda stupid aren't ya?
Thanksgiving day buffet.
I probably wouldn't care.