out walking the dog saw that this morning
Should we tell all the good people watching the date and time.
muh brian hurts
what fucking time is it in secret
open source you absolute fucking retard. learn our comms.
aint' nobody got time fo dat ..lord Jesus its a fire
fucking this up. sorry. 3 something. drunk now.
important marker
fucking limestone dust and asphalt fumes are a blast
love you also fucking Qtard
this man skeers them very much he is gonna show them all. God bless him.
rabbi beside Doug
insert wej issue. mel gibson facepalm.
seventen 17 17:17
CANADA showed the world masks were propoganda. bouncy clown castles were banned. the farce was exposed that winter.
parden meme please literally payed a lawyer to shitpoast can can only be kicked so far
pot kek
health CANADA is comprimised
Hesus Christopho
Matthew Christopho
Marko Jhesus Christpher
Mathvieuw Chistoph
Luke christ ov
fucking John
Paul the app ossil
pajeet says your statistics arrr rural. exception tims hortons
parks at the fuel pumps. eats breakfast. showers. pups fuel. no fucks given'