Odds would be about nonillion to one that P does not also equal Chair of St. Peter per Q crumbs. Yet still the Chair had a master. So who is the master if Pope = Chair?
Sometimes wondereded if (((roths))) meant 3 roths mastered the Chair yet now believe it just meant, ))) =+++, since everything has meaning.
He’s right you know and plenty to that relation. It all began with his Nephilim on earth in flesh.
Should probably ask JK since read article that he was heavy in debt to his pardner’s family. Also, face down rear up on Q Research looked like she once had one. (didn’t save a copy) Also, H must have like it. Think Q said it best arranged for money, power and cover. Even then at times by powers and principalities above the master but that’s above 40k feet, so only going there in the Night Shift.