kenedy fayk twat almost rubs on bannons warruum when fELONy rockets didi butt$tuff too
bidet putin
bidet pullout
bidet putin before rushin impeachin an nutella
rushin putin needs oil an bidet
JUWkraine wuz tranny an had no rent
butt didjuw loos tahy head for a coin toss
banana slaves halp build taht fudge factory wiff cocoa slaves
$1billion in peanut butter ticket opus
zelda not in buuk
cocoa slaves used sugur slaves to frame baldwin hogg
raise hell three times tho
an git fancy redhead bastod
peanut butter slaves tricked juws wiff jenkum
juws addicted to peanut butter an lies
trust gayniggas
ebot is not doxxin taht >>22078487
larping drumpf in duh closet cry cuz it dark now
museums are wrong corhol
>larping drumpf in duh closet cry cuz it dark now
falandururs both diddulured frum saaam boofur
HOMOgenized greek yogurt spurm lies spam mcgowan