keep it goin mate
u have good flow
give up
keep it goin mate
u have good flow
give up
theyve seen nothing
there is no future
there is no past
future is simulation ran through your brain in order to predict what comes,
the past is simly a record of happenings
theres is only now
which defeats determinism
nothing is determined
yeah funny, and terrifying at the same time
then proove it
you guys need to compregend what it means to be "you are the news know" it kinda summons responsibility
depends from what altitude you ask this question from
we are mirrors of ourselves, everything is, you;d rather stare into the void ?
fix yourself first, and then see how world around you fixes itself, local->global
prooving with quotes from book ?
i can proove existence of God by my own experience, not by book reading
He will speak to you through all your perception inputs, not by words, from a book
God doesnt like brokers, He likes to be direct, personal
can't, beyond me, author of everything, hard to say in words
the book He is writing, the book of life, is always in the now, not in past, not in future, its now
it's just above us all, the only way is to respect Him, and accept him
the way, the truth, the life
id be dead already, somehow im still alive, thats something
and four agreements
what he said is closer to God than you might think
history doesnt not repeat itself, it rymes, but not repeats