Like moths to the flame. They don't know the "flame" is a really bug zapper until its too late to save themselves.
Likewise, spiders don't chase their prey. The draw them into their deadly web.
Like moths to the flame. They don't know the "flame" is a really bug zapper until its too late to save themselves.
Likewise, spiders don't chase their prey. The draw them into their deadly web.
Intentional sabotage, judging by interpretations of other commenters
Setup - like planting kiddie porn on someone's computer at work - clearly not a friendly gesture
I think you mistook this for the Homemade WMD board. Take the first left when you get to the Getting Even With The World section
Should we call you by your first name Adolph or would you prefer your title, Mein Fuhrer?
He has the right friends (Trump) and right enemies (Obama) I take that as a good sign, but lack the local Israeli insight. My sense is Left/Labor (?) hate him as much as ours Left/Progressives hate Trump. They agree on Muslim Brotherhood and his warming relationship with the new Saudi regime. More good signs so would be very surprised if he was black hat
It seem you are clueless what they actually do there. Did your research Angels & Demons?
Did you think that was some secret Gnostic documentary?
The anti-matter part was "partially" true. The do create it there but can't store it an a magic vial.
If you think they could, I wonder if you know what would happen if it was struck with a kenetic (matter) weapon.
Read moar science, less science fiction since you apparently have difficulty separating the two.
BTW - Was that the one where Jesus was married with kids and had a twin brother, or do I have that mixed up with some other 1st century Gnostic alt-Bible stuff?
Very popular topic with the Hollywood crowd, who usually shuns any religious movies. Think that might mean something?
My thoughts too.
GEOTUS has a unique strategy - cause the bad guys to "self-destruct" and reform.
He is a money guy, not a bomb guy and understands how light their pants on fire without touching them.
Bibi was always the UN pariah until Trump came along. Obama's treatment vs Muslim Bros was the clincher for me.
I agree on the Font Fakery. Seen these before and layerfags universally called BS. There is a pretty regular layout, with its structure to serve a specific purpose. Flowery. ornate fonts don't belong