Want to study theUniverse?
Become an Electrical engineer.
Want to study theUniverse?
Become an Electrical engineer.
Ever wonder if windows was designed hackable so bill could sell all the fixes and defences?
Creale a problem to sell the solution.
just have to open our eyes to see their truth
>Nobody has been listening
Nobody has been listening till 2017 and the beginning of the great awakening.
fixt it 4u
Justin Castro bent over the table getting smanked yelling "Thank you Trump, may I have another?"
Trump grinning holding the tariff paddle.
^^^That^^^ right there.
Full explanation instead of a coverall.
Transsexual deviance needs to stay in the bedroom minus children.
Sexual deviance of any kind for that matter really.
Sex should not be on a childs mind.
It is introduced.
Children should be taught that sexual fantasies need to grow with their age.
i smell the blood of BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street Sued by Texas and Other Republican States
Nice having the quiet time before the ~~kids~~ shills wake.
Any forehead readers in da house?