People in the West don't realize that the world they live in has been living through "Tribulation" for as long as they've been alive. There are more slaves on planet Earth today, more people living under subjugation, more people without a voice or a means to defend themselves against the globalist empire than at any point in history. There are more slaves today than at the height of the Roman Empire. China already has something that 100% matches the "Mark of the Beast," and American citizens can be debanked with no due process simply for their political opinions. Just because you are one of the lucky ones that have lived a life of comfort safe in the wilderness watching this all take place on television does not mean the world has not been going through massive turmoil the likes of which has never been seen, and this has been going on since before any of us were even born.
You can have your own theories but… The Rothschild Federal Reserve world banking system is the "Second Beast." It is the "Mark of the Beast" you have been looking for, and it was right in front of your face the entire time. They literally put an all-seeing eye and "New World Order" on your money and you still didn't see it, because they sent TV preachers to glam you and fill your head with comic book interpretations of prophecy that all had the same message: "It's hopeless to try to challenge the Beast power. They will inevitably conquer you before the Messiah comes, and THINGS ARE GOING TO GET MUCH WORSE." Meanwhile they had you by the balls this entire time.
Mankind has been oppressed. We will be oppressed no longer. It's time to start believing in yourself again and to reject the false prophets of doom and gloom.