Outdoor Boys
9hrs fresh
playing 'my heart bleeds for you'
LT has relevant info all the time.
Stop lying about him as a flat earther.
Show some proof if you say he is.
>anon hasn't watched him in years
how can anon say
>he's wrong about moar than just flat earth
had one flat earther one time due to follower request
>anon discerned and moved on
free choice
Marine who ends show with a prayer proven he is not Jesus.
He searches for truth.
He's not right all the time, but who is?
He good at presentation of current relevant information open to other ideas till the truth comes out.
Many hit pieces on Trump about support of mRNA, but that doesn't deter me from backing Trump.
I'll listen to LT And We Know because he gets more right than wrong imo.
Others who point out his what he gets wrong and say they stop listening are free to do so.
I myself point out what he gets right and continue to listen and free to do so.
Healthy interactions.
True dat.
He doesn't drone on and pound controversial ideas into my head.
Current news and more often than not some news that Qresearch misses.
I'm here all the time reading notables not relevant to the powers that be fight.
LT brings the relevance.
McRib = McFib
My windows are closed and music playing yet I head screams and nashing teeth loudly.