This 8kun sponsor is not from Japan and these products do not require cleaning after every use:
This 8kun sponsor is not from Japan and these products do not require cleaning after every use:
>Don't really filter anyone, but you can't even banter with the guy.
>He just keeps posting those long copy pastas.
I have tried discussions.
He is not well groomed.
Not without 'Muh Red Circle' Anon's loving guidance.
Готовьтесь, товарищи. Ватиканский педик сошел с ума.
я тоже был свидетелем этого. Но конфликт добрался и до него.
горечь растворяется
Второй фронт ждал долго. Терпение помогает, и спам в банках.
>gentleman, as you know, this is a research board
>which is a PITA to monitor
Welcome to the international Q board, Anon.
You, like all Anons, were advised to "Learn Russian" in 2018. Good on our mate tranni for practicing here and setting a fine example.
>I don't know why, but this shit hits different.
It's funny since the Jews are Chinese too!
>I will stop posting in Russian.
В чем проблема?
Combat tactics.
Make sure to learn Russian.
51 post(s) found containing "russian".
No. You rage impotently on the Internet, at /qresearch. There your legacy will survive.
>If we unite with Russia economically and culturally, no one will fucking know what they are saying.
>We NEED to learn to use at least translate.
>But imagine all these niggers talking in slang and short hand.
>No one will know what the fuck they are saying..
Q also told us why we should learn Russian:
What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?
>this is my 6th post!
>Q said anyone over 15 is a shill
Yet you still rage impotently on the Internet, at /qresearch, Anon.
>Kek, how many fuckers are "watching from the sidelines"
>This is fucking hilarious.
Karens, Karens, on us all
>Long time lurker
>First time poster here
Read. Return. Ask questions.
>Are you retarded? just really stupid? paid to post?
Not paid to post. Paid to be a Baker. You are interviewing a treasured, compensated professional who provides an important and well-regarded civic function here at /qresearch. Kindly show due respect.
>what paper do you write for?
(You) are now the official advisor to /qresearch on all matters gay, Anon. Use your authority wisely.
Что, если бы аниме было просто инструментом, помогающим вам, педикам, выучить русский язык? Кек.
>your father never showed you any "attention"
>They are fleeing or about to go dark.
So the powers that be left me here to do the thinking …
>You have more than you know.
Coming soon to a theater near you.
16 post(s) found containing "we have it all".