>Kubrick had adrenochrome written on a wall in a clockwork orange. So, nothing top see here. move along.
Yes, my point exactly. Mass media tricked you into thinking adrenochrome was important so they could hide the ball that they are actually after children's plasma, which actually has the reverse aging and life-extension effects that is falsely attributed to adrenochrome. SEE: Bryan Johnson. The man isn't infusing with adrenochrome, is he? He's infusing with young plasma. The adrenochrome stuff is easily debunked with a five second web-search where you will discover that you can purchase it right now from any major chemical supply company with a credit card. Why have you never heard of a street dealer for adrenochrome when you can buy it in bulk from ACE Chemical or whoever? The only effect adrenochrome will have long-term is to give you heart problems, as its only real known effects are as a vasoconstrictor. (Yes if you take too much you'll go delirious, the same thing can happen with adrenaline.)
"Could the elixir of youth be as simple as a protein found in young blood? In recent years, researchers studying mice found that giving old animals blood from young ones can reverse some signs of aging, and last year one team identified a growth factor in the blood that they think is partly responsible for the antiaging effect on a specific tissueโthe heart. Now, that group has shown this same factor can also rejuvenate muscle and the brain."