You can’t serve Theo and Mammon
The higher awakened mind, or the desire of wealth.
Yet look at Christianity today, almost as rich as Judaism and Muslim.
It’s pathetic watching religious people make it all up as they go along.
You can’t serve Theo and Mammon
The higher awakened mind, or the desire of wealth.
Yet look at Christianity today, almost as rich as Judaism and Muslim.
It’s pathetic watching religious people make it all up as they go along.
Kek. Too bad they burnt it down weeks after he died. Which is typical FBI.
The fact these people have been criminal for so long will make it hard to grasp justice.
There has to be some Proof exposed quickly.
The best part is no one will ever ask the questions
That’s why the mailman is poor but the manager is rich.
The left hand path is the path of seeking within, truth exposing what is created as false.
The right hand path is of obedience, serving, religious. Daily grind.
They want you all on the Right Hand Path. They flaunt in your face that you are on that path and that they control this.
Trying to show a religious person they are wrong is extremely hard.
He will go on Rogan and Joe will be shocked about what FBI stands for and that will be the extent of it.
They never will. This is an information war. Commercials are Gods.
The religious people are in the way. They block the path to awakening. It’s in the Bible.
It’s been what 70 something years since the “Nazi” war and no one thinks AshkeNAZI is even their race.
I personally think the Germans called them Nazi, and then they took over the news and banks and turned the story around. Getting the Christians who, love Jews, to believe the newspaper since they were so far away from the actual reality.