STFU Moran
If you were attempting to look like a shill cunt, you have succeeded.
Bold red text
Spamming the same message over and over again.
IP hopping to defeat ID filters.
U R A Shill Cunt.
Pick a key word out of his blather and filter based on it. Poof. Clean bread.
True, but it works, you odious cunt.
Works as in it strips your incessant spamming from the feed, you nasty dribbling baboon twat.
How very Maoist of you.
To defeat this you have to write individual spam that doesn't repeat any of the key words or, Poot!, you're gone. Sure anyone writing shit using your same 'Tells' goes Poot too. But that's acceptable to me.
Isn't technology magical.
What a sad little prick you are.
My technical work appears in several books and online publications.
You just project your pathetic little world on the rest of the Anons.
Remember when you think you got a big dick, you really have no clue who you are fucking with on hereโฆ no fkn clue.
Ooh. Maybe we should have DOGE look at that shitโฆ..